Page 4 of One Time Player
My bros like to call her Evelyn because they all think she is a witch. But they didn’t know her the way I did. She had a soft side to her.
“What happened?” Liam asks dryly. I know he wants to end that sentence with, whatever happened I told you so. I met Evie over a year ago at a steak house when I was out for dinner with the guys. We had gone out to enjoy a celebratory dinner after we had a winning streak. I was on my way to the gentleman’s room when I bumped into Evie. She was hotter than hell in a tight black mini skirt and blazer jacket. Her red hair ran down her back in waves and she had legs that went on for days. We exchanged numbers. She was at the restaurant entertaining a client with some other colleagues from her marketing firm. We hit it off, and were together for a full year. Well, it would have been a full year yesterday since it was our one-year anniversary. I thought she was good with my busy traveling schedule. We were going to take things to the next level, and I was going to ask her to move in. Now I feel like a complete idiot.
“Bro, what happened? Coach will be here any minute,” Brett urges.
I dig the heels of my palms into my eyes, trying to wipe the visual that my mind conjures up by his question.
When my vision clears, I look straight ahead because I don’t need to see the sympathy in any of their gazes. I may have been a ladies’ man in college, but I’ve been craving more for a while now. When I met Evie, I thought she could be the one.
“I got off the bus and went straight to Evie’s office to surprise her,” I begin.
Liam mutters something beside me.
“When I got there, I told her secretary not to announce me because I wanted to surprise her.” I look from side to side. My friends’ gazes look transfixed. It almost makes me want to laugh. I would if I didn’t feel like such a complete and utter idiot.
“Fuck, don’t leave us hanging,” Brett complains, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees.
“This is my life. Not some movie,” I scoff.
“Dude, I told you it was stupid to get locked down,” he retorts, since I think Brett will forever be a bachelor.
Wolfe walks up to our group. He’s the captain of the Rangers but we are also friends from college.
“What’s going on?” he asks, looking a little confused as he watches the guys waiting with anticipation.
“Take a seat. I’m just about to confirm to all of you what an idiot I really am.” I motion for him to take a seat, so he sits on one of the couches facing the front of the room.
“You better hurry up then. I just saw Coach outside the door on a call,” he warns.
“As I was saying . . . I was going to surprise Evie at work with flowers. It was our one-year anniversary, and she wrote me a long text the night before about being upset we couldn’t be together. We were on the road, but I didn’t tell her we were arriving in the morning.”
Wolfe hisses. I haven’t even gotten to the good part.
“To make a long story short, I walk into her office to find her skirt up to her waist. She’s lying on her back across her desk, but she was facing the window so, at first, I thought maybe she was getting herself off, so I was like cool. I walk around her desk to find her sixty-year-old boss with silver hair shirtless. His face between her thighs. He didn’t even stop licking her pussy when he saw me. She told him she was so close so he kept going.”
“What the fucking hell. . .” Brett hisses. “I warned you about that. . .” His face is beet red and he stands to his full height. As a defensive player, he is tall, big, and strong, and right now he looks like he wants to cause damage.
“Damn, bro.” Kaleb winces. “That’s messed up.”
“Right?” I agree. “Why would she want some old guy with wrinkly nuts when she could have me at my prime?”
“She’s a fool. That’s why,” Wolfe confirms. “Sorry, man. I know it sucks but consider yourself lucky.”
He knew I wanted to ask her to move in with me.
“Seriously,” Liam adds. “You dodged a bullet with that one.”
“Yeah, well, I feel like shit. My girlfriend left me for an old dude,” I complain. I know some of the other guys on the team are listening to me tell the story and they watch me with sympathy. It’s not like I can say she left me for some famous Hollywood actor who looks good. She left me for a guy old enough to be her father. It stings.
“Bro, I get your hurting, but be patient. The right girl is out there,” Liam assures, giving my shoulder a squeeze.
“You would say that now. You found the love of your life,” I remind him, not wanting to sound bitter because I’m happy for my friend, but I sound resentful anyway.
“Your time will come. I think finding the right girl happens when you least expect it,” Wolfe offers.
“Yeah, well, I’m done. I’m not looking for a relationship. I just want to have fun. It’s easier. Putting your heart on the line, only to have it crushed, is brutal,” I state.
Brett smacks his thigh. “That’s exactly what I’ve been telling you, dude.”