Page 54 of One Time Player
Mom’s eyes go wide at that comment.
“We are just friends,” I clarify.
“Sure,” Aunt Sloane says, and she gives Mom a knowing look.
“Wait a minute. Are you saying you and Evan are more than friends?” Mom asks.
“We are definitely not more than friends. I can assure you both,” I relay to my mom and aunt.
“You may be just friends, but I noticed the way that boy looks at you and it isn’t friendly,” Aunt Sloane declares.
“There’s no way. . .” I deny.
“You think he likes my daughter?” Mom asks excitedly.
“Mom, stop. We are just friends. I work for the team and . . .” Both my mom and aunt are staring at me weirdly so I stop talking. “What is wrong with the two of you?” I ask instead.
“You like him,” Mom states.
“I do not,” I protest.
“You do,” Aunt Sloane reiterates.
“You two are still living in your college days. You don’t know what you’re talking about,” I refute because I figure it’s better than saying I want to hump the hell out of Evan.
“Sure . . . go with that,” Aunt Sloane says. “Let the sexual tension build until you both snap. It’s a strong method.”
“Aunt Sloane,” I say with an astonished voice.
“It worked for me and your uncle,” she shares as if that isn’t weird.
My face screws up. “I don’t want to hear about you and Uncle Oli. I’m going to find Quinn now.” I roll my eyes.
My mom and aunt laugh as I saunter away. I need a drink.
I head to the bar and bump into Hunter, Evan, and Kevin. Hunter has introduced them to his groomsmen. On the other side is Amy and her bridesmaids.
The bartender comes up to me and asks. “What can I get you, beautiful?”
I smile. “I’ll take a glass of white wine, please.”
Evan comes over and stands beside me. “I leave you alone for a second and you’re getting picked up.”
“Very funny,” I retort. The bartender passes me the glass of wine.
“I was just complimenting her beauty, sorry if I overstepped,” he apologizes to Evan.
I watch Evan with a cocked brow. When the bartender walks away, I ask, “What was that?”
“What?” Evan asks.
“That comment.”
“I was stating a fact. Not my fault if he misinterpreted what I said,” Evan defends with a sly smile.
I shake my head and grin.
“Do you want him?” Evan asks.