Page 72 of One Time Player
Daddy shakes his head. “Andrew told us that he would always lie about his childhood. He figured it was better to say he didn’t have a father than to admit he was a monster who hurt him and his mom.”
“Wow.” I feel like I’ve been, I don’t even know. This news is surprising and makes a whole lot of sense in one shot.
“He said he was never able to settle down with a woman and he retired early from hockey because of alcohol abuse issues. I mean he retired at thirty-five, but still . . .” Daddy shrugs.
“That’s sad,” I say.
“He said he never told anyone, but he thought you were safer a good distance from him, and I have to say I agree,” Daddy states.
“So did you and Uncle Oli beat him up?” I ask.
“No, he’s beating himself up enough, although, he didn’t mention the baby. I’m so sorry you went through all that alone,” Daddy sadly states.
“I’m sorry too, sweetheart. That’s a big hardship for such a young girl to carry.” Mom takes hold of my hands.
“I’m okay. It was hard at first, but I made it through,” I assure. The tightness I felt in my chest on the way down here has lifted. I still feel sad about the baby I lost. I will never forget him or her, but I don’t feel the heaviness inside me I usually feel.
I blow out a long breath and it feels cleansing and light.
“Was there anything else you wanted to share?” Mom asks.
“That pretty much sums it up,” I reply.
“Okay, the truth is out. We love you, Patty. We will always be here for you,” Daddy reassures. “Your mom and I spent the night worried sick about you.”
“I’m okay, really,” I reply, and I take a seat. Mom goes to sit beside Daddy on the couch.
“And Evan?” she asks, raising her brows.
I swallow hard. “What about him?”
“Patty.” Mom gives me a look like she thinks I’m ridiculous for trying to hide my feelings. “Daddy saw that boy punch Andrew out. He was seething for you, he wanted to protect you. He pretty much literally swept you off your feet like you were his princess. You must have shared this story with him.”
“I did share it. We are friends. He came to the wedding to be my buffer,” I explain.
“We saw you two dancing last night. Anyone with eyes can see how much you two care for each other,” Mom notes.
“Okay, so we were friends until last night.” I wince. “But it won’t happen again, I promise. I know we can’t be together.”
“Myles,” Mom says, giving him a pointed look.
“Patty, your mom and I just want you to be happy. We’ve seen you and Evan together, and even though the situation isn’t ideal. . .” He takes a deep breath.
“Daddy, I’d lose my job. I have to admit it’s a lot harder and more time consuming than I imagined it would be. I don’t see myself doing it forever, but I wouldn’t want to walk away just yet, and Evan is in the prime of his career. We don’t know how the GM would react. He’s happy in New York. I won’t risk him getting traded, or worse, and if you had knowledge about our relationship and didn’t report us, there would be fallout for you too. The bottom line is Evan and I don’t make sense.”
My dad let’s out a long breath. “Life is never straightforward. I’m just worried your experience with Andrew has put you off of having a lasting relationship and . . .” Mom looks off to the side and rubs at her neck. Then she looks back at me. “And having children one day. I’m worried about you, sweetie. We all thought it was very sweet of you to take Skylar in and allow her to believe the rent was so cheap so she could have her baby safely. Now I’m thinking there was more going on.”
I shift in my seat. There is more going on. My head is all messed up. “There was more going on,” I confess because why hold back now. “I saw Skylar’s ex disregard her when she told him she was pregnant. She had no one. I know our situations aren’t the same, but I felt so alone after I lost the baby. I was sad and never wanted to feel that way again.” I look off to the side, trying to gain hold of all the emotions rushing through me. “I told myself I would never have children. That it was too painful. When I met Skylar, she needed my help. She had no one to help her. I took her in and watched her belly grow. I thought it was a real miracle, but I knew I would never risk my heart again.” I watch Mom and Dad listening to me with tear-filled eyes. “When Crew was born, I felt so connected to him. I helped Skylar every step of the way and told myself this was my experience with motherhood and childbearing. I couldn’t ever go down that path again, but at least I had them,” I cry.
“That boy loves you so much,” Mom says of Crew with a sad smile.
“It was time for Skylar to move on and I’m so happy for her and Liam. She is getting everything she deserves,” I declare, swiping at my eyes.
“And what about you, Patty bear?” Daddy asks.
“I’m happy, I spent the summer in Europe. I have my job, my friends,” I list off.
“And what about Evan?” Mom asks.