Page 79 of One Time Player
I place my coat on the banister as we pass it.
“Come, I told them not to eat the apple crumble Christina made. I bet you they both snuck a piece,” she whispers and winks. My family sometimes likes their dessert before dinner.
Mom slowly opens the swinging door to the kitchen. I sneak up behind her and just as she predicted, we catch Kev and Daddy with forks in the apple crumble pan.
“Shit,” Kevin laughs that he’s been caught red-handed.
Daddy laughs. “You know you can’t just send us in here to get a snack and not expect us to try this.” He points to the pan with the apple crumble then licks his fork. “This is good stuff, you should try it, Patty. Fresh apples and cinnamon.”
The scent hits me and I am practically drooling over the sweet smell. “Pass me a fork,” I say as I go to dig into the dessert.
Mom brows furrow because I’ve never been so in love with sweets. “You are all ruining your appetites before dinner, and Christina made your favorite,” she scolds, looking at Kevin.
“Veal parmigiana?” he asks.
Mom nods and Kevin cheers in the same way he did as a boy. It feels good to be with my family.
The crumble is delicious, and I begin to stuff my face and moan as the mix of cinnamon and sugar hits my taste buds. I close my eyes and when I open them, I have three sets of eyes watching me curiously.
Kevin stops chewing, Daddy’s brows are furrowed.
“What? Can’t I enjoy some apple crumble?” I ask.
“Yes, sweetie,” Mom says. “But you never really liked it.”
The room falls quiet. They all watch me like I’m a code they are trying to crack. I came here to tell them about the pregnancy. With the ultrasound coming up, I want to have my mother with me.
“Patty?” Mom questions as she scans me with her scrutinizing blue eyes.
Mom is sharp, she’s attentive, she’s also my mom. It feels like her radar has caught on to something so before she gets ready to open her mouth, I blurt.
“I’m pregnant.”
My family’s expressions go from curious, to surprised. Dad’s light eyes turn round and his jaw drops. Kevin’s lips turn into a crooked curve and Mom, she begins to tear.
“What? How? Where? When? Why?” Daddy mutters.
“I think we know how, Myles,” Mom retorts.
“Sweetie, I’m so happy for you,” Mom coos, and then I am in her arms and she is hugging me.
“I’ve been terrified. After everything that happened, I am scared out of my mind,” I admit to my family.
Mom takes me by the hand. “We are all here for you. Whatever you need.”
“Who is the father?” Kevin asks but before I can answer he mutters, “Hayworth?”
I nod and watch Daddy kind of terrified.
“I’m sorry, Daddy. If this causes you problems. I didn’t mean for it to happen,” I say as tears sting my eyes.
“Oh, Patty, sweetheart. Don’t you know your well-being comes before my team? All I care is that you are happy and healthy. Is everything okay?” he asks, and his eyes drop to my belly.
After everything went down in Chicago, I called Kevin to tell him what happened with Andrew. He was pissed and flabbergasted I didn’t tell him before. He also felt bad about not being there for me during such a difficult time. As twins we grew up being so close. We shared so much of our lives and this was basically the first thing I didn’t share with him. I made him understand how my world imploded, and I didn’t know how to handle it.
“So far things are looking good, but my ultrasound is coming up and I was hoping you could come with me.” I look at Mom.
“Just tell me when and I will take time off,” Mom replies. How far along are you?”