Page 96 of One Time Player
“Relax, kid, I didn’t ask you to talk to ream your ass. We got a problem. You and my daughter broke the non-fraternization policy and I have knowledge of that. As your coach it was my duty to notify management, which I have not done for obvious reasons. Patty is my daughter and family comes first,” he states, looking me in the eyes. His cool blue eyes are unwavering and cause a chill to run up my spine.
“I agree, Patty and the baby come first. I want to do what’s best for them. I don’t want to screw over my team in the middle of playoffs though. A lot of those players are my friends. If I go to management now, there is a good chance they won’t let me play. It will also cause problems for you. Patty and I spoke about it and we both felt like you shouldn’t have to pay for what we did. This team has a good chance to take the Cup this year, and you deserve to bring them there.”
Coach watches me silently and nods, but I see the wheels turning. “Look, son,” he says and he’s never called me that before. It causes this warm bubbly feeling to erupt in my chest. “We need to come up with a plan. What I can tell you is that I’ve always considered myself to be a clean player. I never needed to do any shady shit to get where I was. It was pure skill. I also don’t like deception,” he declares.
The elevator door opens and I hear Flynn greeting Patty.
Myles lowers his voice to a whisper and says he has a plan. I tell him I’m in because I will do anything for Patty and my baby. They come first.
* * *
“I’m so sorry I’m late,” she says, looking at me after she’s greeted her parents. “I went with the girls for lunch and then I was so tired I crashed. It’s why I didn’t answer your messages.”
I lean in and kiss her cheek.
“It’s fine.”
She gives me a wide smile. “I’ve got something to show all of you,” Patty announces, smiling wide.
She pulls out a white envelope.
“I was there so I’ll make room for you two,” Flynn says to me and Myles.
Patty shows us her sonogram picture.
“It looks. . .”
“Amazing,” Myles says, and he’s overcome with emotion.
“That doesn’t look like a baby,” I continue.
“Yes, it does,” Patty says, and she shows me how the body of the baby is forming and where she saw the little heartbeat. “The technician said my next ultrasound is at twenty weeks. We’ll be able to see the sex then.”
“I’m coming to that one,” I confirm.
Patty looks me in the eyes and rubs my cheek. “I’m really sorry you weren’t there today.”
“It’s okay.” I blink, even though I feel like shit, I don’t want to stress her out over this clusterfuck of a situation. Coach has a solution which works, but I don’t know how much Patty is going to like it. There is also the little situation that we don’t actually know where we stand in our relationship, even though I know what I want.
Patty continues to tell us about the ultrasound and we all follow into the apartment.
“Might as well head to the kitchen. Dinner is ready,” Flynn encourages.
We walk into the kitchen and the table is covered in fried chicken, barbecued hamburgers, a large basket of French fries, and grilled chicken breasts, asparagus, and sweet potatoes.
“You’ve got healthy options and less healthy options,” Flynn explains.
“I think a toast is in order,” Myles says, and he walks over to a cabinet, taking out three tumblers and scotch. He pours two fingers in each tumbler then passes them to me and Flynn. He raises his tumbler and so I raise mine. “To Patty and her baby. Our family is growing, and I love every minute of it. Also, to Evan being part of the family. I know you and Patty don’t know where you stand, but raising a baby together is a strong bond. To love. To life.”
“Hear! Hear!” Flynn and Patty say so I chime in too.
I don’t want to pressure Patty, but I do want to know where we stand.
“Given the menu, we are doing buffet style,” Flynn says. “So, grab a plate and load up.”
“Thanks, Mom.”
“This all looks great,” I compliment.