Page 10 of Grumpy Player
Now it makes a whole lot of sense as to why she was answering me with gestures.
Connor’s room doesn’t have a splash of pink. He’s got a huge king-size bed and his room is mostly gray and black with soft wood accents.
“What experience do you have working with kids?” he asks.
He’s asking me this now? I thought I was hired.
“I spent a couple of months teaching art classes to kids at the museum,” I explain.
“Only a couple of months?” His face morphs but I can’t read his expression.
“Well, it wasn’t exactly two months. I was a temp so they only called me in once a week. So really it was about eight times, give or take.”
“So what you’re telling me is that you don’t have any experience actually taking care of kids,” he points out.
My nose scrunches. “Not really. I mean I’ve played with Skylar’s son, Crew. That should count for something.”
“Why did Patty think this was a good idea?” he asks me.
I don’t want to tell him I’m desperate. “Look, I grew up with nannies. I know what I didn’t like and I want Syd to like me. I’m a responsible adult, able to take care of myself, so I mean, how hard can it be taking care of a kid?”
He groans like he didn’t like my response but then his brows draw together. “You had nannies growing up?”
“I did,” I confirm. “I had a falling out with my family. We are estranged.”
“Is your family dangerous? Are they affiliated with the mafia?” he asks.
“I mean they are Italian,” I laugh.
His eyes bulge.
“Do you think that just maybe you watch too many movies?” I ask. “My family is rich but their businesses are on the up and up.”
“Good to know,” he replies. “Do you do drugs?” he asks out of nowhere.
“No,” I laugh. “I’ve never touched drugs in my life. Well, no, that’s not true . . . I smoked a joint once in college, but it wasn’t my thing.”
“Do you smoke cigarettes, vape?” he asks.
“No,” I reply pointedly. “Are you going to ask how often I shave my armpits too?”
His intake of breath is so loud I can hear it from where I’m standing. “That will not be necessary, Ellie. I need you to understand that Syd is my world. I need to make sure she is safe and happy. That she is being taken care of. It’s been me and her for a long time now,” he says, looking off to the side like he’s being drawn into some dark past.
“Is her mother in the picture?” I ask.
“Not really. She calls on occasion, but she hasn’t seen her since we left Canada a year ago. She hasn’t really been in Syd’s life,” he explains.
“Were you guys together? Do I have to worry about custody issues or kidnappings?” I ask awkwardly since he’s made me feel on edge.
Connor’s lip tugs slightly at the corner. “Now who’s been watching too many movies?”
“And where are you from? Your accent sounds different,” I deflect.
“We came from Canada. Vancouver, to be specific. It’s on the West Coast.”
“You’re far away from home, Dorothy,” I say to him.
“The Rangers made me an offer I couldn’t refuse. Besides, there isn’t anything for us back home,” he says dryly.