Page 108 of Grumpy Player
“We got you, bro,” Brett says, fist bumping me.
“You said Ellie’s been ignoring you since you told her you’d get married and have it annulled. I’m guessing she’s in love with you,” Wolfe says. “Which means you’ve already rocked the boat.” He pats my shoulder. “Now you need to figure out if you’re willing to lose her. I’m suggesting you grow a set of balls and tell her how you feel. Now let’s get inside. I could eat a horse right now.”
“Fuck yeah,” Brett cheers.
“Really, Brett?” Kaleb asks.
“What? I’m fucking hungry. If he wants Ellie, then let him go for it. Just because I don’t believe in love doesn’t mean he has to. Besides, we have more serious issues to deal with. Your cock needs inside a vagina. That shit isn’t okay.”
“Would you shut up? I don’t want the whole team knowing,” Kaleb says, and they start roughhousing in the parking lot. Since they are both defensemen, they are bigger and stronger than the average player.
“Just drop everything right now,” I say to them. “You two don’t want to get caught fighting out here. What if someone takes a picture and Coach finds out? You all have a Cup to win,” I remind.
The guys cheer.
“Too bad you aren’t on the road with us,” Wolfe says sympathetically.
“Maybe next year. I’m thinking my life panned out the way it was meant to. If I hadn’t gotten injured, I would never have met Ellie.”
“Looks like you got your answer then.” Wolfe raises his brows. “Now just grow a set.” He opens the door for the smokehouse and we all head in. I know exactly what I need to do.
“Wow, the place looks. . .” My breath has been stolen as I stand in the foyer at Nana’s. Nora and Anna both greet me at the entrance.
“OMG, this is so cool,” Syd says from beside me. Connor and I figured it was better she took the day off to get ready with me.
The place is covered in all kinds of exotic trees with tea lights hanging from them. I feel like I’ve entered a fairy-tale garden out of a Disney movie.
“I know,” Nora cries. Like she is literally in tears. “The crews have been here for the last two days setting up.”
“This place is cooler than Disneyland,” Syd coos.
Anna and Nora smile. “Just wait until you see your dress,” Nora says to her.
“Will I look like a princess?” she asks.
“You bet,” Nora assures, and she winks at me.
“I hope all this wasn’t too much of a nuisance for Nana,” I say.
“You know your nana. She is over the moon happy. Wait until you see her,” Anna states.
We head inside to where Nana usually sits, only all the furniture has been moved. I look over at Nora, stunned by the beautiful décor.
“This is going to be one memorable evening,” Nora says.
We all head up to the second floor where there is a small mezzanine. Nana has her wing chair up here and she is sitting by the window watching a small television.
“Hi, Nana.” I lean to kiss her and then Syd rushes to hug her.
Nana squeezes her eyes shut as she hugs Syd back.
“I’m so glad to see both of you,” she says with a smile. Nana is wearing a mint-green gown. Her gray hair is blown and teased and she’s wearing an exquisite necklace to match.
“You look beautiful,” I say to her.