Page 122 of Grumpy Player
“No,” I say.
“That’s weird. They’re like best friends. You’d think she would come to her wedding,” Brett says looking thoughtful which doesn’t happen too often.
“That is strange,” I agree.
“Come on let’s do shots,” he says smacking my chest.
“No way, I just had way too much cake. I’ll puke,” I say.
“I don’t understand you,” he says shaking his head. “Fine. I’ll go find me a cute waitress to shag.”
“Not Taylor,” I say lifting up my finger.
“Bro, I’m offended. I would never steal your girl,” he says. “Bro code.” He fist bumps me and I fist bump him back. This is what makes Brett a great friend. He lives by code. He’ll never stab you in the back. He’ll always be there for you. You just need to follow the code too. Too bad that isn’t what happens. . .
“Mommy I really need to pee,” Asher complains from the back seat.
“Honey Waze says we’ll be there in fifteen minutes,” I plead. We’ve stopped five times already making the almost two hour drive three hours.
“I’m going to pop,” he says breathing hard.
My dodge caravan is literally filled with everything I own. After I caught my boyfriend cheating on me we had no choice but to move out of his place.
“Mommmeeeee,” Asher begs.
Oh for crying out loud. I pull off to the side of the freeway which isn’t the smartest thing to do but desperate times call for desperate measures. I get out on the passenger side and take Asher out on that side too. No way do I want him close to the moving cars.
“Okay baby, make your pee,” I urge.
He looks up at me like I am crazy for insinuating he should pee on the side of the road. “This is the only bathroom we got. Peeing in nature is good. You are watering the earth.”
“There are no plants growing here,” my five year old who is too smart for his age insists.
“Do it for mommy. There are no bathrooms,” I say.
He begins to pee only things get out of control and he starts to spray my jeans and sweatshirt. This day keeps getting better and better.
“All done,” he looks up to me with a sweet smile.
Now I get to show up to my brother’s house smelling like piss.
“Okay let’s get you back in the car,” I say to my son.
He gets back in and puts on his seatbelt. I close the back door and get back in on the passenger side. I merge onto the highway as the smell of piss fills my nostrils.
I seriously want to cry. I had been with Nathan for two years. I thought he was the one. He told me I was the one. I moved in with him and got rid of my apartment. Then things started to change. He didn’t get home until very late. He was a real estate agent and said he was working late in the office every night. I stopped by to bring him food only to find that he was screwing the secretary.
Tears prick my eyes. I’m such a fool. My brothers like to say that I am exactly like my mom. I’m too trusting and give my heart to easily. That is going to stop. From here on out I do not believe in relationships. I will not give my heart to anyone. I need to go on a dating cleanse. No men. No sex. I need to purge whatever it is inside me that makes me fall so easily for a guy. I think back to my sophomore year of college. I was seeing a guy named Joel. He was so handsome and smart. I thought he was the real deal. We went to a party and drank too much. When he told me he would die if he didn’t feel me bare during sex it should’ve set off alarm bells but I hoped on for the ride. Enjoying a very wild night of sex. I also got knocked up and Joel didn’t want to have anything to do with a baby. I’m grateful for my son but I need to stop being so naïve.
I pull up to my brother’s apartment building. There was no way I could stay in Jersey. My life just crashed and burned there. It’s summer and Asher and I need a fresh start. New York City is the perfect place. I should’ve maybe given Brett advanced warning of my arrival, but my brother is one of the best people I know. My other brother Henry lives out in Connecticut. He is amazing too but he’s the brain in the family working on his immunology PhD. Besides I don’t think Connecticut is for me.
I call my oldest brother on speed dial.
“Maddie, what’s up?”