Page 33 of Grumpy Player
Connor’s gaze makes a sweep over my body, starting at my bare legs and landing on my midriff.
“Thanks.” He swallows and our gaze’s lock.
I’m not blind. This man is attracted to me too. He just has a problem admitting it.
I turn and get his bath ready for him and place a bath towel where he can reach it. I also set up the body wash and shampoo he likes to use.
As the water fills, Connor comes and stands by the door, watching me. I’m not sure what else there is to say, other thanI would really like to feel your lips on mine. Feel that solid body pressed to mine.
I blink.
“Any plans for the weekend?” he asks.
“I’ll probably just go visit Nana. . .” I pause. “Would it be okay if I took Syd with me? Nana would love to meet her. She also has a little dog, Teddy. I think Syd would love to play with him.”
“That sounds nice. I think Syd would enjoy that,” he says and swallows.
The bath fills and I shut the water off and check the temperature.
I stand in front of Connor. “You’re all set. Anything else you need?”
His eyes lock with mine and then drop to my chest. My heart kicks up to a galloping rhythm and I swallow.
“There’s something here.” He points between the two of us. “But we can’t go there, Ellie. Syd is really liking you. I’ve never seen her so happy. I. . .we. . .can’t do anything to mess with the equilibrium we’ve created for her.”
“I get that.” I nod. “I agree. I’ll leave you to your bath.”
His head dips. “Thanks.”
I leave the bathroom and head out into the hall, but I don’t make it far. I press my back to the wall and try to take a deep breath. That was super awkward. I need to stop complimenting his body and, clearly, he’s attracted to me too, but we can’t go there. Things could blow up and where would that leave Syd?
I take some slow breaths when I hear his cell phone ring. He has it set to a setting that announces the caller. It is saying Sybil and two others. I’m pretty sure Sybil is Syd’s mom. I figure it’s important, so I head back into his room and take the phone.
“Ellie,” he calls out just as I’m about to knock on the door. “Can you grab me the phone?”
“Are you decent?” I call back. Not that it matters. I’ve seen every delicious inch of him.
“Now I am,” he counters.
I walk back into the bathroom. Seeing this man in the bath is going to be my undoing. Even with the large towel draped over the top of the tub.
I pass him the phone and it stops ringing. “Sorry.”
“No worries,” he replies. “I’ll just call her back. She wants to come out to see Syd. I just don’t think it’s a good idea.”
“I’ll give you privacy.” I back away.
He nods.
I leave the bathroom and head to my room. Thinking of taking Syd to meet Nana brings me all kinds of joy. I go to sleep feeling calm, happy, and waiting to see what tomorrow will bring. I haven’t felt this optimistic in a long time. I just hope nothing happens to burst my bubble.
“Hi, Sybil, sorry I missed your call,” I begin. I always try to be cordial with my ex, despite her bad behaviors, because no matter what she is Syd’s mom.
“Connor, thanks so much for calling me back so fast,” she says like she is talking to one of her clients.