Page 49 of Grumpy Player
“Heading outside for a jog, and I can’t wait to see the team’s reaction when you tell them you’re getting married. You go from no dating to what… speed dating and marriage?” Kaleb chortles, shaking his head.
Shit. I hope everyone is going to buy our little love affair.
“Not really a mystery, just a man in love,” Connor responds, taking my hand and plastering on a fake smile.
I hope he does better with Nana because she is very perceptive.
“Maybe I should’ve been coming to you for advice about my love life all along,” Kaleb teases.
“You seem to be doing just fine,” Connor replies.
We arrive to the lobby. “You all take care. I’m off for a run.”
“Man, I miss being able to burn off steam,” Connor says. The thought of Connor blowing off steam makes my mind conjure up all kinds of dirty thoughts.
“See you all Friday.” Kaleb waves.
We get off the elevator and head outside. “That’s our car.” Connor points.
We all pile in the back seat. We place Syd in the middle. It isn’t a long drive before we are dropped off in front of Nana’s building.
When we get outside, I lean into Connor’s ear. “If you need help blowing off steam, I’m at your service.”
He hisses, “An engagement party and a wedding party. My head is spinning.”
“Hush, you.” I take him by the arm and whisper in his ear, “Nana is a sharp woman. You better be more convincing up there.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” he asks.
“Nothing, just show more warmth. You’re supposed to be madly in love with me, remember?” I whisper.
Syd looks up between us. “Whispering isn’t nice.”
“Sorry,” I apologize.
“Two can play this game, Ellie,” Connor warns.
“What game? I want to play a game,” Syd intercedes, sounding excited.
Oh dear. I blow out a breath.
“Just adult talk, Sweet Pea,” Connor says.
We leave the Uber and walk past security. We take the elevator to Nana’s apartment.
“Why are you a nanny again?” Connor asks, taking in the opulence of the place.
“It’s a long story,” I reply.
When we get off the elevator, we are greeted by Nora and Anna. Anna is wearing her chef’s hat and she is grinning.
“OMG, look at them. They look so beautiful,” Nora gushes. Then they are hugging us.
“Connor, this is Nora, Nana’s housekeeper, and this is, Anna, her partner and Nana’s chef,” I explain, even though they are already hugging him. His movements are a little stilted because of the injury but he seems to accept their affection.
“Nice to meet you both,” Connor says.
“And look at you, Syd,” Nora coos.