Page 68 of Grumpy Player
“And I handled it,” I assure her.
“Should I send a hit on him?” she asks.
“Very funny,” I reply. When I look up, Connor’s eyes are wide. Did he hear that?
“How was it being back at Antonella’s?” she asks curiously. She’s encouraged me to reach out to my family over the years, but she also understands why I haven’t.
“It’s been a long time but not much has changed there. It was nice to see the staff and eat some delicious food,” I report. The food at Antonella’s pays homage to Nana’s hometown. Her mom had nine kids and spent a lot of time in the kitchen feeding them.
“I think Warren is going to figure out you’re an Albizzi,” Nana says matter-of-factly.
“So what?” I ask in return.
“That isn’t a bad thing, my darling. This Sybil thinks she can bully Connor and his daughter because of her money, well you have the Albizzi name behind you,” she says.
“I don’t think we need to take things that far. I sure don’t want my father or mother knowing about my life. They haven’t cared to reach out until now. I don’t want their help. I’m fine on my own. Better, actually.”
“Did Connor lose his mind over Warren coming on to you?” she asks.
“His response was sweet and caring,” I reply.
“As I expected. I can see why he’s a good match for you,” she says. Guilt rises inside me. Nana is now invested in the lives of Connor and Syd. She thinks he is my happy ever after, and he can barely handle touching my shoulders without walking away.
“He is,” I swallow. Damn guilt. Why do I have to have a conscience? Most of my family members don’t.
“Well, this will be good fodder for the attorney. Sybil’s fiancé is a wild card. No one wants a sleezy man around a child,” Nana says.
“Thanks for helping, Nana.”
“I would say always but I think time is running out on that promise.” Her voice shakes.
A stray tear slips down my cheek. “I’ll get in touch with Nora this week about the menu. We’ll try to set a date soon. Things were hectic with Sybil coming to town.”
“There’s no rush. I’m just happy to see you happy,” she assures.
“Thanks, Nana.”
“You’re my favorite granddaughter and now you’ve given me a favorite great-granddaughter,” she says of Syd.
“I’ll try to bring her by again this week,” I say to Nana.
“That would be lovely,” she replies and then she yawns. It’s contagious and I yawn too. “You must be exhausted after the day you had.”
“I am. Connor and Syd are making dinner and then I plan to sleep.”
“That sounds like a good plan. Glad that you have them, Ellie.”
“Me too,” I sigh. “Have a good night, Nana.”
“You too.”
We end the call and I walk into the kitchen.
“Dinner will be ready in five,” Connor announces just as my stomach decides to respond with a grumble.
“It smells delicious,” I confirm, taking in the aroma of the fresh garlic he used.
“We get to have pasta two times today,” Syd cheers.