Page 7 of Grumpy Player
“Now, that’s a first,” the bus driver says.
I wave back. I wait for the bus to drive off.
When I get back inside, Patty seems to be arguing with Connor.
“She doesn’t look suitable,” he says to Patty.
“Um. . .excuse me. Are you guys talking about me?” I ask, feeling on edge. I’ve had a morning from hell. I don’t need this.
“I was just telling Connor how good you’d be for Syd,” Patty explains. I know she has already spoken to him about me and said the job is basically mine, so the only reason he doesn’t want me at this point is because I look like a hot mess. My hackles rise.
“Who even says I want this job?” I snap back because the dad is clearly a grumpy asshole.
“See, she doesn’t want the job. She doesn’t have the proper credentials,” he counters. I guess Patty overestimated her ability to convince this guy I was right for the job.
“And did that nanny you got from the temp agency have proper credentials?” Patty asks.
“Patty, sweetie, we don’t need to do this,” I assure her. I appreciate her standing up for me, but I can fight my own battles.
“Connor is just in a lot of pain, so he’s being. . .” Patty gives her head a shake. “Connor, you’re one of my players. I don’t want to be unprofessional here, but Ellie is a good person. You saw how she just took care of Syd.”
Connor exhales and his shoulders deflate. “Why does it seem like I’m failing at everything?” he asks, not looking at me or Patty. Then his blue eyes zero in on me. “I’m willing to pay you above the usual pay grade. I’m not able to do much with Syd right now, and if I ever get back to work, I need someone here for her. Are you looking for a long-time commitment? The job includes room and board.”
“Connor has a four-bedroom apartment, which is reserved for players with families,” Patty explains with a victorious smile.
I never pictured myself being a nanny, but it’s not like I have options. Besides this seems like a good deal. I get to take care of that sweet child and the job includes food. Since I’m completely broke, it would be a win-win all around. Except for the grumpy dad. I could do without him.
“What do you say, Ellie?” Patty asks. I know she is trying to help, and I really didn’t want to have to move in with her since she is dating Evan in secret.
“I’ll take the job.” I nod. What other choice do I have?
“Good. If you follow me, I can show you our apartment and you can get moved in,” Connor invites. “I can’t help you with the luggage though.”
“That’s fine. I can just roll it onto the elevator,” I say.
I’m sweating so I remove my jacket and hang it on one of my suitcases. When the elevator door opens, Patty holds it as I roll the suitcases into the car. It’s big enough that we all fit. Connor gets on last, wincing with each movement he makes.
“Are you wearing pajamas?” he asks with his lips curled in disgust.
“It’s a long story.” I roll my eyes until I look down and realize I am not wearing a bra. Shit. I cross my hands in front of my chest. I’m pretty sure I just gave Connor an eyeful.
“What is the long story? Why do you have all your luggage with you before you were even hired?” Connor asks.
Patty sighs.
They are fair questions since he is hiring me to watch his kid. I appreciate that he’s looking out for his daughter. I don’t think my parents took that kind of care when they hired some of the servants and nannies in our home growing up.
“I was evicted from the room I was renting,” I explain. “It was unexpected.”
“Why was it unexpected? Did you do something illegal? Because I am not leaving my child with a person who has a criminal record,” he huffs.
“I do not have a criminal record,” I clarify. I could do without his snark, even if I appreciate he is overprotective of his adorable daughter. “I can show you the criminal record check I had done when I was working at the museum. The person I was renting the room from didn’t say her roommate was returning from vacation early. I had to leave on the spot.”
“They kicked you out?” Connor clarifies, his blue eyes widening.