Page 98 of Grumpy Player
“The dress is perfect,” Nora announces and Anna nods in agreement.
“It is. It fits like it was made for me.”
“It’s settled then,” Nana says, and she yawns.
“I’m going to change out of it.”
“I can hang it for you in one of the guest rooms upstairs,” Nora offers. “I can have the hairdresser and makeup artist come here on your wedding day to prepare you.”
“Thank you all for everything,” I say. “You’ve really always been there for me.”
I hold my palm to my belly feeling nervous, and then I blow out a breath and walk back to the powder room. This is really happening.
When I left the arena, my attorney called me to say Sybil wants to go to court. She isn’t interested in mediation. He is sure we have a strong case and that we can win. However, a trial would be hard on me with my job and, even worse, it would be terrible for Syd, who would have to meet with psychologists and social workers on the regular.
Instead of heading home and having dinner with Ellie and Syd, I decide to go to a local pub and eat on my own. The guys won’t be back in town until next week. If they do return victorious from the conference games, then they are playing in the Stanley Cup championship. I want to kick myself for getting injured. I’m feeling low like I am failing Syd and failing myself when I order a large cheeseburger and beer. If it was the regular season, I wouldn’t eat like this. But on top of it all, I am marrying an amazing woman next week. A woman who has captured my heart, and yet I don’t have the balls to tell her how I feel because I don’t want to screw up anymore. I even feel guilty that Syd has such a poor excuse for a mother, even though I know on some level Sybil’s behavior isn’t my fault.
I stare into space, eating my burger, when the waitress comes by and asks me if I need anything.
“I’m good thanks,” I say to her.
“Hey, aren’t you Connor Donaldson?” she asks.
“I am.” I nod.
“You guys are kicking ass this season. We are so taking the Cup,” she says and then her lips tilt down. She’s a young woman, maybe my age, with blond hair and light blue eyes. She has a pretty smile too. “Too bad about your injury.”
“That’s life,” I say, and I rub my hands along my thighs, thinking I just want to be left alone.
She writes something on a notepad and then passes it to me. “I’m off in an hour. If you want, we could have some fun together.” She winks, pushing the piece of paper across the table so it’s right in front of me.
“I, uh. . . appreciate the offer, but I’m getting married next week,” I reply.
“Okay, well, then hit me up for a last hoorah,” she says. I personally don’t understand these women who like to hit on married men and offer them sex. I never really paid the whole situation much attention, but right now I find it triggering.
“No thanks. I love my wife-to-be and don’t want to touch another woman,” I reply, and I push the paper back in her direction.
Her brows furrow and she huffs. She walks off and I take a moment to chow down my burger and polish off my beer. I throw a hundred bucks on the table, not wanting to wait for the bill. It will more than cover my meal and leave her a nice tip. As I step outside, I think of how easily I said I love Ellie. The lawyer said it bodes well for my case that we are getting married sooner rather than later, but my intentions for marrying Ellie seem to have changed. I obviously can’t tell her that. I won’t rock the boat.
I head home and by the time I do, Syd is asleep and Ellie is tidying up the kitchen.
I tell myself to keep my hands to myself. I tell myself to keep the blood running in my veins from boiling over at the sight of her in her short shorts, wiggling her behind to some music she must be listening to on her AirPods. It’s unfair of me to be leading her on with our nuptials coming up, but I do no such thing because she drives me crazy. I can’t think when she is near me and my cock wants one thing.
I come up behind her, my head dipping to her neck where I take in her scent, and kiss her skin. She gasps and tries to twist but I hold her in place. I continue to kiss her neck and she lets me, giving me better access.
“I didn’t hear you come in,” she says after taking out her AirPods and placing them in their case.
“I was quiet.” I take hold of her breast in my hand. I am not feeling very gentle tonight. I tweak her nipple over her shirt and she moans. Her arm comes up and wraps around my head as her fingers mess with my hair.
“Connor,” she moans. That’s all the permission I need to whisk her off her feet.
I walk her to my room, kicking the door with my leg and lay her on the edge of my bed. “Is this a good idea?”
“I’m only thinking how much I want you,” I reply, and in one fell swoop I remove her panties and shorts.