Page 19 of Behold Her
Max: It’s hard not to, when you’re in my dreams every night.
Mona: And just like that, we’re back to why I can’t sleep.
Mona: You’re a witch. Does this shared dream thing happen a lot? Because it definitely feels magical.
Max: Oh, they’re magical alright. The things we’ve done in them are on my mind far too much.
Mona: Ugh, you know what I mean.
I laugh to myself at her reply. I wish I could see the frustrated expression on her face right now. And then kiss it away. My cock twitches, begging me to touch it.
Max: No, this isn’t normal. I don’t know what’s causing the dreams, but if they’re keeping you up at night, I’ll do some research to see if there’s a way to end them.
Mona: Thanks. Not that they’re entirely bad. But a girl needs her sleep.
A minute passes as I try to think of a witty reply. All my brain latches onto is her admission she likes the dreams and therefore likes the idea of doing those filthy things with me. I palm my length through my boxer briefs, then pull my hand away with a groan. The demon inside me wants relief, but I’m not gross enough to jerk off while talking with her—at least not without her consent.
Mona: I’m sorry that I assumed you were following me.
I frown down at the message.
Max: Please don’t apologize. I know how it looked. I would have messaged you after, but I didn’t want to scare you more. I’m sorry.
Mona: Okay, fine. I won’t apologize if you stop saying you’re sorry too.
Max: Deal.
Mona: I should at least attempt to go to bed. Good night, Max. Though I guess there’s no point in saying goodnight if I’ll see you when I fall asleep.
Max: Hah, true. In that case, I look forward to seeing you soon, Mona.
I set my phone down, all thoughts of my past mistakes washed away with the surprise of talking to Mona. Add onto that the thrilling discovery that she might enjoy our shared dreams, and for the first night in weeks, I can’t wait to go to sleep.
Somehow, life goes on as usual. You’d think after the life-altering revelation that monsters are real, things would be different. But no. Despite the thrill and drama of what happened at The Vault, my life continues on as it did before. I’m still working my stable, boring marketing job every day. Still running errands and doing chores. Still riding out the random waves of grief and fond memories of Nugget that crash into me when I least expect them. And still dreaming of Max.
As much as I complained about them, I’m glad the dreams stuck around. They’re no longer limited to a confrontation outside my apartment building, though. He’s cornered me in a dark alleyway, bound and held me captive, and broken in to take me in my bed.
Though we spoke some after The Vault fiasco, I haven’t had the courage to text Max again. What would I even say? “Hey, what are your thoughts about how you chased me, ripped my clothes off, and fucked me in a park? Did you like that more or less than when you tied me up, ate my pussy until I couldn’t breathe, and then stretched my ass out with your cock?” There’snoway. Acknowledging what happens in those dreams might give the impression that I’m down to do those things in real life. Which isn’t the case.
Yes, it is.The horny freak that woke up inside me after my time onstage at The Vault taunts me. She’s delusional.
Besides, Max hasn’t messaged me either, so he doesn’t want to do those things. Case closed. Speaking of cases, I wonder if he’s finished that PI gig. I hope I didn’t screw things up for him that night I thought he was following me. So why does that damn voice in my mind wish he’d come back and watch me?
* * *
Wednesday arrives,which means game night. Hypothetically. Devi already canceled because Priya is sick, but Rachel and Grace say they’re coming. So that means there’s a fifty percent chance Rachel shows. I love her, but I know not to trust she’s coming over until she’s at my door. While I don’t want to cancel, I don’t have a lot of two-player games. I wonder if Blair would want to come?
After sending a quick message to the group chat and getting the go ahead, I text Blair. We haven’t spoken beyond her checking in to make sure I haven’t had a nervous breakdown since learning about the monsters that are lurking all around me.
Mona: Hey Blair! If you’re not busy tonight, would you want to come over? I do a weekly game night with my friends. And you’re my friend. At least I hope you are haha. Anyway, I’d love for you to join us. We’re meeting at my place at 8.
Mona: Grace will be there. Not Grace as in my kink persona, but the real Grace. I’m going to stop typing now. Let me know!
I may be awkward as fuck, but I’m proud of myself for inviting her. Past me would have just canceled and hermited up for the night. Though, that pride wanes when I don’t hear back from her as the day goes on. Maybe we’re not friends.
I don’t get a reply until the sun sets and feel like an idiot for not realizing she was most likely asleep when I messaged her.