Page 26 of Behold Her
She’s languid and flushed with pleasure, eyes closing as she lets out a contented sigh. Gods, it’s the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen. Suddenly, my heart squeezes with the need to know Mona beyond one night of passion. To learn everything that makes her who she is and give her anything she needs. It seems crazy, but it’s no longer just my demonic side lusting after her. I feel the need to know her in my soul.
She blinks her eyes open and smiles at me, moving to sit up. “I should let you rest. It’s late.” I say the words, though I don’t want to leave.
Her eyes scan across my face, considering something before speaking. “Stay. Please. I don’t want to be alone.” Her arm reaches out to me and there’s no way I could possibly resist. I slide into the bed next to her and draw her against my chest. And for the first time in almost a month, I fall into dreamless sleep.
Asolid chest presses against my back and a warm hand rests on my hip. When I stir, the fingers on my hip dig in, holding me in place. A sleepy sigh falls from my lips and I snuggle back into my pillow, about to drift off again when I feel something thick and rigid press against my ass.
My eyes fly open. I had this dream a few nights ago, waking up to find Max had snuck into my bed, desperate to be near me and unable to wait until I’m fully awake before pressing inside me. This feels a lot more real than a dream. I pinch my thigh and wince at the slight pain.
Not asleep. Oh god, that means that he’s really here with me in my bed. Last night wasn’t another one of my dreams. I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself, then roll over in trepidation to look at the man in my bed.
Max’s face is calm as he sleeps, giving me a moment to drink in his features in the soft morning light. I discover his long eyelashes, the slight bump where it looks like his elegant nose was broken, and the tiny birthmark just above his upper lip that I feel compelled to kiss. He’s gorgeous. What on earth is he doing here with me?
I’m totally naked under the thin sheet, and the morning light will be a lot less forgiving of the cellulite dotting my ass and hips. It certainly won’t hide the faded stretch marks that cover my skin like tiger stripes. Jesus, my entire body feels like a wreck after what we did. If I can slide out from under his arm without waking him up, then I can at least try to make myself a fraction more presentable before Max sees me.
As soon as I move, Max’s eyes flutter open. A broad smile stretches across his face as he comes to consciousness. He looks at me with such warmth and pleasure that any thoughts of my appearance fade. “Morning,” I whisper, a matching smile forming on my lips.
“Mmm, this isn’t another dream?” He slides a hand up to brush a lock of hair out of my face.
“It feels like it.”
He caresses down my cheek to cup my chin. I want to dart my tongue out to lick his thumb when it rests on my lower lip. “Can I kiss you, Mona?” he asks in a murmur, like he’s afraid if he speaks too loud he’ll break the spell in the air between us.
I nod, my eyes fluttering closed as he draws my face to his. Max’s lips are soft and gentle as they meld with mine. Nothing like the brutal kiss last night, but it still leaves me breathless when our mouths part.
He lets out a throaty chuckle. “Wow. Definitely not a dream.”
Arousal pools in my belly, hearing his laugh. “Hah, yeah, this is usually the part where you tie me to the bed and—”
Max cuts me off as he rolls me onto my back and holds himself above me with his arms. He’s hard against my stomach, and his strange black eyes bore into mine. “Fuck you until you scream,” he says, finishing my sentence.
“Y-yeah.” My heart pounds as his face hovers above mine. It would take nothing to pull him down into a kiss. To spread my legs and let him thrust inside me.
He groans, but instead of taking things further, he moves off me to lie on his side. “Gods, I want to. But we should talk.”
A lump forms in my throat. Ah, here it comes—the “this was fun, but I’m not looking for anything more right now” talk that comes after a one-night stand. I turn over on to my side and pull the sheet up over my chest, creating a feeble barrier between us. Though it won’t do much to protect me from the inevitable embarrassment heading my way. “Okay.”
I expect him to look sheepish, but nerves fill his expression. His hand fidgets with the edge of the sheet and he inhales deeply before speaking. “What we did last night…I don’t—we don’t have to do that again if it was too much. The last thing I want to do is hurt or scare you.”
“You didn’t like it?” I ask, unsure where he’s going with this. He sure as hell seemed like he liked it, but now I’m worried I pushed him into something he didn’t want to do. My gut clenches as I remember how many times he checked in with me.
He laughs, the sound tinged with darkness that reminds me of his roughness last night. “Oh, I liked it. I fucking loved it. I’ve just never done anything like that before. Been so…unleashed. I may be a monster, but I’d never forgive myself for being monstrous. And I’m worried that I crossed that line with you, so we need to figure this out—if you want it to happen again. If you don’t, I promise I won’t bother you again.”
“I haven’t done anything like this before, either. It scared me how much I enjoyed it. But not enough to stop me from doing it again.”
Max nods, the tension in his body releasing. “Thank the gods.” He takes my hand and brings it to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss on the palm, then the wrist, before clasping it in his, sending tingles down my spine. “So, what would you want when we do this again?”
When, not if. My pulse speeds up at the certainty of his words. “There’s a lot I’d want to do. Those dreams…” I trail off, worrying that I’ll sound crazy if I tell him the depths of what I want.
He squeezes my hand reassuringly. “Any of the dreams in particular?”
Ah, fuck it.“All of them!” I blurt out, my face flaming as soon as I say it.
Max raises an eyebrow in surprise. At least I hope it’s surprise and not disgust. I groan and roll away so I don’t have to see his face when he tells me how much of a freak I am.
He snakes an arm around me and tugs me to his chest, not letting me make an escape. “Then we’ll do all of them, dirty girl,” he says in a deep rumble that reverberates against me. His hard cock rubs against my ass to punctuate his words.