Page 35 of Behold Her
“That looks fine! I’ll sew on some sequins and rhinestones and it should be perfect.”
Grace startles when I speak, tearing her eyes away from Blair to look back at me. “Whew, okay. Thanks, Mona. You’re a lifesaver! I’m going to go get dressed if you’re all done staring at me.”
The tension between Blair and Grace only escalates as we work on our costumes. Especially when Grace stabs herself with a sewing needle and a bead of blood wells up on her finger. Grace is oblivious, but the look in Blair’s eyes as she watches Grace suck the crimson off of her finger makesmeblush.
I’m almost thankful when Max texts me and their focus moves from each other to pestering me about what’s happening with the new man in my life. Almost.
“He took you to Clara’s on your first date?!” Grace’s mouth hangs open in shock.
“Don’t ask me why! It was way too fancy, but he insisted he wanted it to be special.”
“Aww, that’s so damn romantic! God, I’m jealous. I’m lucky if the guys I date offer to split the check.” I can practically see the hearts in Grace’s eyes.
“I’m not reading too much into it. We’ve gone out a few times and we still barely know each other, but—”
“Have you slept together?” Blair cuts in.
My face heats and Grace squeals in further shock. “You did! You slept with him! How was it?!” She looks delighted by the idea, but Blair keeps her expression stony.
“It was…god, the best sex of my life. But I don’t want to jinx it!”
“He’s romanticandgood in bed? Don’t let him go!”
Blair frowns at Grace’s words. “He should be the one praying to keep you around, Mona. Keep that in mind.”
My phone pings again and Grace snatches it out of my hand, letting out a chittering laugh of glee.
Max: I have something for you. Are you home?
“Ooooooh, I bet I know what he has for you,” Grace says, waggling her eyebrows at me.
I grab the phone and text him back.
Mona: What kind of something? I have friends over right now.
Grace peeks over at my reply and cackles.“He has a big package he needs to give you and it can’t wait until tomorrow.”
“Even if he does, I’m not the kind of girl that kicks her friends out to get some dick.”
“If he’s as good as you said, I wouldn’t blame you.” Blair smirks at me, making Grace laugh harder.
Between me and Blair, we’re able to embellish the under layers of Grace’s costume tonight, and I make plans to work on it more with Blair again tomorrow night. I make a point of not checking my phone again to emphasize that I’m setting boundaries with Max. Though I can’t help wishing he’d come over right now and ravish me.
Grace and Blair head out together, and Blair calls back up the stairs as they open the door to leave. “There’s a package down here for you.”
My heart stops at her wording. I’ll die if it’s Max standing out there and my friends catch him.
“Oooh, it’s a big one!” Grace adds.
Racing down the stairs, I find a large box wrapped in black paper on my stoop. I’m simultaneously relieved and disappointed that it isn’t Max. I haul it inside and bid my friends goodnight, resisting the urge to watch and see what happens once Grace and Blair are alone. There’s something going on between them, and my nosy ass wants to know what.
As I go to close my door, movement in my neighbor’s small window overlooking our stoop makes me freeze. The curtain slide back into place just as I catch a flash of dull brown eyes. That creep was watching us! He probably overheard everything they said. I linger for too long as I fight down the irrational urge to knock on his door and tell him to fuck off. But then the dangerous reality of that scenario catches up with me and I hurry back inside, making sure to flip the deadbolt.
A moment later I hear his door open and my fear spikes, knowing he’s just on the other side of the door. I know he’s never done anything other than watch me, but unlike Max, his gaze feels malevolent. Through the peephole, I watch him look around andeugh, sniff the air where I just was before heading inside. Yep, definitely not someone to confront in a moment of indignant rage. What a creep.
Not wanting to make Mona wait any longer than necessary to see Nugget again, I wrap up the collar and a present for her and drop it off at her place. I fight the urge to linger in my car and watch her through the windows. She has friends over and doesn’t need me creeping on her right now. That doesn’t stop the mere thought of her proximity from turning me on. Gods, I’m a mess.