Page 50 of Behold Her
It’s been two days since I kissed Mona goodbye on Sunday afternoon, after helping her inside with her groceries and getting her reassurances that she didn’t need any other help. Waking up to good morning texts and going to bed with the memories of her moans filling my bedroom fills my life with more joy and color than I’ve felt since I moved to Moonvale. Since before I can even remember.
It’s a good thing work is getting busier now that I’ve done a few jobs in town. Otherwise, I might actually act like an obsessed stalker, spending my days watching Mona and counting the moments until I can be with her again. There’s a deep-seated instinct for me to claim her all the time, no doubt part of my succubus side. But rather than chastise myself for that, I let myself sink into the delicious torture of it.
Thoughts of Mona’s latest text on my mind, I’m in the midst of a digital deep-dive into the paranormal council candidate when my phone rings.
“Hey Dad, what’s up?”
“Nothing much, just calling to confirm your visit this weekend. I’m not supposed to say anything, but your mom and sisters are planning something special for your birthday. In case you were thinking of canceling.”
“My birthday was over a month ago. Why would they do something now?”
“Well…you seem a bit isolated out there in Moonvale. Claire told me you sounded sad when she called a few weeks ago. And the last time we talked wasn’t very reassuring either. They just want to do something nice for you. To show you how special you are to all of us and how much we love you.”
Jeez, have I been that pathetic? I make a mental note to call Claire so she’ll stop telling everyone how depressed I am. “It’s really not necessary. I’m fine. I promise. Things are actually going really well for me. I uh…I met someone.”
I heard a loud clatter on the other end, followed by my mom’s voice whispering, “oh my god!” to Dad, who shushes her. He must have me on speakerphone. “Sorry, the phone slipped out of my hands. You said, uh, you said you met someone? What kind of someone?”
I hear my mom in the background again telling him to press me for more details. “Hey Mom,” I say with a sigh, running a hand through my hair.
“Oh sweetie, who are they? Tell us everything!” My mom’s voice quivers with excitement.
“Her name is Mona. We met while I was working, and we’ve been seeing each other for a few weeks.” I pause and take a deep breath, preparing for the deluge of questions from my parents.
“What’s she like? I’ve always pictured you dating a shifter, not sure why. Maybe I just like the idea of cuddly furry grandbabies.”
Mom cuts in to chastise Dad. “Shane, he just met her! I don’t think he’s in having babies territory yet. Are you, Max?”
I let out a choked sound. “Uh, no, not there yet. Also, she’s not a shifter. She’s human.”
“Oh!” There’s a brief pause before Mom speaks again. “You know, my cousin Drucilla married a human, and she says it’s the wildest sex she’s ever had. Even better than with a witch. You hear that, Shane? Maybe it’s time I found a nice human to warm my bed.”
“Only if I get to join you,” Dad says nonchalantly.
“Gods, can we not talk about you guys looking for a third? Most parents don’t tell their kids that kind of shit.”
“Don’t be embarrassed, sweetie. Your mother and I have a very active sex life. It’s completely normal, especially for a succubus your mom’s age. I can barely keep her off me since you—”
I clear my throat loudly to stop whatever he’s going to say next. “Anyway. She’s human. Which means I can’t have you talking about succubus sex or magic while we’re there.”
“You’re bringing Mona with you this weekend? That sounds serious! Is it serious?” Mom sounds like she’s going to burst from excitement at the thought.
“Yes, I’m bringing her. But only if you promise to be chill. She found out that paranormal creatures exist in an upsetting way, and I’ve eased her into the fact that I’m a witch, but…”
I can practically hear Dad’s frown before he replies. “You didn’t tell her your mother’s a demon? Max, being part-succubus is nothing to be ashamed of.”
“I’m not ashamed!” I say quickly, repeating the half-truth I’ve told them since I was old enough to understand that not everyone saw sex like my parents do. When I realized people would expect me to be ruled by a carnal nature. I was uninvited from friends’ parties when their parents found out who my mom was because I would be a “bad influence". People beg me to sleep with them, then turn around the next day and call me a monster for leading them astray with my lust-inducing powers. Powers which I didn’t even inherit—not that anyone cares to check.
Mom’s voice cuts through my dark thoughts. “I understand, Max. We won’t talk about it while she’s here. But if this woman is important to you, you can’t hide who you are from her forever. It’s not fair to her or yourself.”
“I know.” The guilt of not being transparent about my nature and for trying to ignore my mother’s blood inside me, when all she’s ever done is love and support me, sits heavy on my chest.
“I know you do. I know it’s not as easy for you as it is for your sisters. You’re a good boy, Max. A good man.”
“Just like his dad, right?” Dad chimes in, with a bit too much enthusiasm.
“You know? I’m not sure. I was with a lot of men when he was conceived…”
Before my parents continue their bizarre, long-standing joke about Mom cuckolding Dad—despite the fact they’ve only had eyes for each other since the day they met—I interrupt. “I better get back to work. I’ll see you on Saturday.”