Page 53 of Behold Her
She perks up, leaning forward in her chair. “Tell. Me. More.”
“It’s embarrassing to talk about, especially when you’re staring at me like that.”
Grace rolls her eyes and covers her face with her hands. “There, is that better? Tell me!”
“Um, he likes to pretend like he’s my stalker. Like he’s been following me and can’t resist me any longer. So over the weekend, I spent a lot of time tied up on his bed.”
A squeak of surprise tears from Grace and her hands drop from her face as she looks at me, aghast. “He convinced you to do that?!”
My face flames even more. I don’t want to admit this, but I also don’t want her to think that he’s a creep who coerced me into having freaky sex. “No, I convinced him.”
“Don’t look at me like that! I shouldn’t have told you.” I curl my legs up to my chest, hiding my face behind my knees.
“Shit, sorry. I didn’t mean it like it was a bad thing. Just…damn, Mona! I always guessed you were secretly kinky, but never imagined you’d be so…imaginative.”
“You can call me a freak. I know I am.”
“So what? I’m jealous you had the guts to go for it and that you’ve found a guy that you feel safe to do it with.”
I look up to see that she has a genuine, supportive smile on her face. “He does make me feel safe. Please don’t let this change your opinion of him. He’s a really great guy and treats me well.”
A huge, gleeful grin stretches across her face. “Other than when you ask him not to. Is it good? Damn, I bet he’s good. And hung. The sweet, quiet ones usually are.”
I flush as I think about how well-endowed Max is and how many times I came over the weekend. “I have no complaints.”
“I bet you don’t.” She laughs and waggles her eyebrows at me. “So, are you just freaky fuck buddies? Because I’ve seen the way he looks at you, and it doesn’t just say that he wants to tear your clothes off. He’s got hearts in his eyes.”
“He asked me to be his girlfriend.”
“What?! Mona, why didn’t you lead with that?” She squeals, leaping up to do an excited little dance. “This deserves some champagne. We should celebrate!” Grace scurries into her kitchen and digs around in her fridge, then her pantry. “Damn, no champagne. I’ve got vodka?” She holds up a tall bottle with a shrug.
“I better not. Let’s save the celebration for when I’ve dated him for a while—I don’t want to jinx it. I really like him, Grace. Like, I never thought I’d meet someone I’m so compatible with. Let alone someone who looks like Max, but acts like I’m a goddess.”
“About damn time. Youarea goddess, Mona. Those other losers you dated weren’t worth your time.”
“Hey, I thought you said some of them were nice!”
“I lied. You’ve been so worried about not being good enough that I didn’t want to point out that the people you were dating were trash. I thought you might think that made you trash, too.”
She’s right, I would’ve. “Fair.”
“Okay, so tell me everything about him. What are his hobbies? Does he want kids? Does he have any crazy exes you need to look out for? Is he a nerd like us?”
“Uh…I think he likes to bake? He baked me the best muffins I’ve ever had while I was there. He understood my Lord of the Rings reference to potatoes when we ate dinner, so he’s at least a bit nerdy. Other than that…I’m not sure.”
“You were getting intimately acquainted in other ways. That’s fine.”
Is it? I’ve had a bunch of conversations with Max over text, but most of our in person talks ended in sex. Have I gotten to know him well enough yet to commit to a relationship? More importantly, does he know enough about me to want to be with me in earnest? I don’t even know if he wants kids or what his dating history looks like.
Grace shakes her head at me. “Don’t start freaking out. You have a connection with him and plenty of time to get to know all the details.”
* * *
I manageto make it through the rest of our hangout without panicking, but as soon as I get in my car, my mind races and I have to text Max.
Mona: Do you want kids?