Page 56 of Behold Her
All three of my sisters grin with excitement, and for once it’s not at the prospect of torturing me. It’s admiration for the incredible woman at my side.
Mom shakes her head in amusement and then smiles warmly at Mona. “What kind of dance do you do? We’d love to come see your performance if we’re free that day.”
I feel Mona tense for a split second and I consider faking the need to talk to her in private, but she speaks before I can give her an out. “I’ve done a lot of styles in the past—modern, jazz, hip hop. This class is burlesque, which I’ve never done before. Wanted to push myself out of my comfort zone. I didn’t consider the reality of the actual performance when I signed up, though. Thinking about taking your clothes off in front of an audience is a lot easier than having the guts to do it for real.” She giggles, her nerves apparent as she takes a sip of her wine.
Mom claps her hands together in delight. “How exciting! I used to strip when I was younger. Nothing like dancing naked in front of a room full of horny people desperate for a taste but unable to have you.”
I almost choke on my drink and Mona pats my thigh, looking extremely amused at my reaction. “Well, I won’t be fully naked and I’m not sure how horny the audience will be when they see me, but it seems thrilling. That’s why I won’t let myself chicken out.”
“Nonsense! With a sensual body like yours and your gorgeous features, there won’t be a single person in the room who doesn’t want you.”
“Yeah, when’s the show?” Samantha says with a gleeful glance in my direction. “We’d love to come support you.”
Mona’s eyes widen and she takes a deep swig of wine. “Uh…it’s—”
“None of you are invited. I love you all, but there’s no way in hell you’re coming to watch my girlfriend take her clothes off.” My voice sounds harsh, but sometimes it’s the only way to get through to my intrusive family.
“Ooh, listen to him. So possessive,” Maggie says, and my sisters snort in amusement.
“Of course we won’t go to the show, sweetie.” Dad reaches out to pat my leg reassuringly. “We wouldn’t want to make Mona uncomfortable. Just know that we’ll be rooting you on in spirit!” He winks at us, and I want to drop dead on the spot.
Yes, bringing Mona home wasdefinitelya mistake.
* * *
“Blood streaming down his face,Max lept onto the guy’s back and brought him down to the ground. You should have heard the way the crowd roared when the ref called the fight. It was epic. Best night of my life.”
I rub my nose, remembering the pain of the massive shifter’s fist colliding with my face. It was pure adrenaline that allowed me to take him down, and nothing I ever want to face again.
Mona turns to gape at me as Maggie finishes the convoluted story of how she met her husband. “That’show you broke your nose? I figured a cheating spouse took revenge on you or you fell as a kid. But it was a cage fight? I’m impressed, but a little scared of you now.” She grins at me and scoots her chair away from me.
I shake my head at her and grip the back of her chair, dragging it back next to me. “Don’t be. That was the first and only time I’ve fought someone and I only did it because I’m a sucker who believed Maggie when she said it would be a safe gig.” I look pointedly over at my sister, who bats her eyelashes in innocence.
“Can I get you more to drink? Another slice of pie?” Dad asks Mona, gesturing to her half-full wine glass and empty dessert plate.
“Oh no, thank you. I think I’ll burst if I eat more. It was all delicious though! You’re an excellent chef. I can see where Max gets his baking skills.”
Dad beams at her compliment. “Thank you! Tried to teach the girls, too, but they never had the knack that Maxie did.”
“You baked for her?” Claire lifts a brow at me in surprise.
“Yes! He made the most incredible muffins I’ve ever tasted,” Mona says, placing her hand on my thigh. The touch is innocent and affectionate, but it still sparks a fire in my core.
She’s been amazing tonight. Handling all of my family’s bizarre questions, teasing, and inappropriate comments that would’ve scared most people away with ease.
“I’ll be right back.” Mona squeezes my leg and excuses herself, heading down the hall to the bathroom Mom showed her during the grand tour of the house.
As soon as she’s out of earshot, all eyes focus on me.
“Don’t screw this up, Max,” Samantha says, breaking the silence.
Claire smacks her on the arm and gives me an apologetic smile. “She’s just jealous. Mona is lovely.”
“Yeah, she’s way too cool for you, but congrats, bro,” Maggie adds.
Dad grins at me. “I’m so happy you’ve found someone special, sweetie.”
Mom nods and grasps his hand in hers, bringing it to her lips for a quick kiss. “I can sense how compatible you two are. She’s definitely a match for your passion. Reminds me of me and your father when we first met. Both of us seconds away from tearing each other’s clothes off and making love on every surface.”