Page 7 of Behold Her
Typical. Even when guys are attempting to include me, they make it about her. “Yes,shehas a name. I’m Mona,” I say before Grace can reply. “Can we grab a seat before my legs give out on me?”
Grace looks at me with a hint of surprise at my terse reply, but nods, giving Tomas a smile over her shoulder as she follows me to an empty booth. We both let out a tiny groan as we sit, our tired muscles finally getting a break. She glances back over at the bartender, who is now talking to a pale man with unruly auburn hair. “He’s cute, isn’t he? Friendly, too! Do you think I’d have a shot with him?”
I snort into my cider. “Grace, you have a shot with anyone in this place that’s attracted to women. He was very into you.”
“I don’t know, he called you a beauty…” Her lips downturn a hint.
“He was just being polite. No one in here is looking at me when you’re around. I’m not saying that to be a self-pitying jerk. It’s just a fact.”
She reaches across the table and smacks my hand. “Stop it, you’re gorgeous. If these losers don’t see that, they’re idiots.”
I smile at her sincere, affronted tone. “Fine, fine. Moving on from how hot I am, what are you thinking of doing for your routine? I was so relieved when we didn’t have time to present our ideas tonight—everything seems unsuited for me.”
“Mona, anything you do would be incredible. I see the way you move. You’re so fluid and sensual. Meanwhile, I’m wobbling around, trying my best not to fall on my ass. I’m thinking of using feather fans. That way, I can keep the audience from noticing I can’t move my body in a sexy way.”
Grace has such classic beauty and innate sex appeal that a traditional feather fan dance fits her perfectly. “I love that idea! Unless you want to be a sexy baby giraffe and incorporate your wobbly legs into the routine. If anyone could make that work, it’s you.”
She bursts into laughter, and I join her. As we swap increasingly absurd act concepts, tension I didn’t know I was holding melts from my body. Talking to Grace like this reminds me of high school, when we’d sneak beers from her dad’s fridge and hang out in her bedroom, giggling like maniacs late into the night. I don’t even protest when Grace suggests we get another round. I offer to get the drinks, but she’s already up out of her chair to flirt with Tomas.
A few minutes later, she returns with two more ciders and an excited glow on her face.
“Someone looks pleased. Did he ask you out?”
“No, that’s not…I mean, he did! But I’m smiling because you’re wrong and I have proof!”
“What the heck are you talking about?”
She slides into the booth next to me and pokes me in the shoulder, grinning at me like a maniac. “Look over there.”
I follow her eyeline to a pair of dark eyes that watch her from across the room. “I’m missing something. What about the broody redhead over in the corner who’s looking at you? Did he ask you out too?”
Grace rolls her eyes at me. “He’s not looking at me. He’s been watchingyou. I saw him when I got our drinks. So you’re wrong! Someone hereislooking at you instead of me.”
My brow crinkles as I look back at the man. He’s taking a sip of his drink, not looking our way now. His black t-shirt clings to his leanly muscled chest and arms, and I can’t help the tingle of heat I feel as I watch his throat work as he takes another sip from his glass. Even from across the dim bar, I can see how handsome and out of my league he is. “Riiight. Go sit on the other side of the booth, and we’ll see that you’re the one he’s interested in.”
Grace moves to sit across from me and I suddenly feel exposed and nervous. I’m not sure why, because there’s no way he was looking at me. I wait a minute before peeking over at him. Our eyes lock for a second and then he glances away, pushing his unruly auburn waves back in an attempt to look casual.
I slide down in my seat and take a hefty swig of my cider, my heart racing in shock. Grace gives me a shit-eating grin and laughs. “Told you!”
My face gets hot with embarrassment. “It’s just a coincidence. I probably look like someone he knows.”
“Shall I find out?”
“What? No!” I reach across the table to grab her arm, but Grace slips out of the booth and makes her way over to the man. I almost trip when my legs threaten to give out under me as I stand to stop her. It’s too late—she’s already talking to him. His eyes widen and his pale skin reddens at her words.
My stomach sinks at his reaction.Thanks a lot, Grace. It was a fun night until she had to ruin it with her delusions.
After almost a week, Maggie finally got back to me with some helpful information about my client’s wife. Turns out the faun is lying about a lot more than a potential affair. Lydia lost her job a few months back when the company downsized, closing their office in Moonvale and laying everyone off. She went from making a six-figure salary to jobless with no warning. Lydia spent the last few months scrambling to find a new job and, in the meantime, racked up a hefty amount of debt maintaining the illusion she’s still employed.
Which leads me to why I’m back at Nightlight after surveilling her day at “work” and drinks with her ex-coworkers. The building that used to house her office is a co-working space now, and she’s been renting a space while she searches for work. It’s a clever way to hide her unemployment and keep up the illusion with her wife.
While I have the info about her debt and lies, what I haven’t figured out is why she’s kept her wife in the dark. Or why she’s visiting the man at 613 Poppy Lane. There’s something I’m missing and I don’t want to go back to my client without as clear a picture as possible.
Lydia’s chatting with her old work colleagues, and I find a table close enough to overhear them. They bemoan the job market and complain about how their ex-employer screwed them, as potent waves of shame and anticipation radiate off of Lydia. Poor woman. I almost wish for her sake that it was just an affair eating her up inside.
After a few minutes, the calming aura infused in Nightlight works on the forlorn faun and I can breathe easier, no longer experiencing her emotions second-hand. I’m considering getting another drink while I wait Lydia out, but do a double-take at the pair of women already speaking with the bartender.