Page 13 of Fixate
Cain shrugs. “Not enough? I could get a couple mor—”
“No. That’s awesome. Thank you, Cain. I really appreciate the help. It’s five times the number Hoodoo’s been able to get me,” I tease him.
Hoodoo scowls at me playfully. “Watch it! It was my idea to come to Cain, so you should be thanking me,” he taunts back.
Snorting, I wrinkle my nose, and Hoodoo inhales sharply like he’s affected by me.
“Thankyou?Pfft, Hoodoo, you’re a pain in my ass. Why would I be thankful for that?”
Cain smirks. “You two are like an old married couple.”
We both snap our heads toward him with wide-open eyes as he smirks.
I have a hard line on marriage, so I fold my arms over my chest and let it rip. “First of all, marriage is for people too scared to give in to their true animalistic nature. A wedding band isliterallylike a vice around the man’s cock, turning him into a fucking pussy. And second…me… andHoodoo? Acouple?” I throw my head back with a deep, soulful belly laugh, feeling it all the way through my body as it shakes and rattles with the humor flowing through me.
Everyone turns to look at us as Hoodoo’s eyes narrow on me at the blatant show I’m putting on right now.
I grab at my stomach, taking in a much-needed deep breath. “Oh, fuck! That’s the funniest thing I have ever heard.Hoodooandme?I mean… he’ssooonot my type.” I continue to chuckle under my breath as Cain glances at Hoodoo like he’s sorry he ever said anything.
Hoodoo folds his arms over his chest, somewhat unamused. “What thefuckwas that?” He snarls, his eyes hard on me.
Cain steps back and moves to the bar, ordering drinks and leaving us alone. I’m still coming down from my laughing fit, my shoulders jerking with my humor as I sniffle. “Oh, what now? You can’t take a joke?”
Hoodoo huffs dramatically. “I think the point you’re missing, Maxxy, is that maybe I’m notyourtype. But…if I wantedyou… if I had the chance to makeyoumine…” He closes the space between us, trapping me between his hard body and the bar. My breath catches, my laughing stopping instantly as my eyes lock with his. His fingers slide to my forehead, swiping a stray strand of hair from my face, the move unexpected and somehow so fucking sexy. My muscles tense, and my breathing stops completely as the air around us begins to surge with an energy so intense it’s like I’m being electrocuted. With a smirk that seriously melts my panties, his lips move down the side of my neck right by my ear. My chest instinctively presses out, my breathing now rushed as he continues, “I wouldn’t have to seek your permission because the way your body is reacting to me right now tells meeverythingI need to know.”
My eyes widen, my body immediately tenses as I jerk back from him.
That fucking arrogant prick!
My hands rush to Hoodoo’s chest, shoving him back aggressively. “Urgh, Hoodoo, get real! You’re so fucking delusional.” I groan loudly as Cain walks over and hands me a drink with a giant grin.
I grab at the glass with so much gusto a small amount of liquid spills over the edge, but I don’t care as I throw back the contents.
Hoodoo chuckles, happy with himself, knowing he totally affected me, but I completely ignore him as he takes the other drink from Cain, dipping his chin at him. “Thanks, man.”
“I can have the Bachelors’ soldiers make their way over to New Orleans tonight if that suits you. Any training they need, are you good to do on-site?” Cain asks, completely ignoring everything going on around him.
Thank God.
I swipe my mouth with my forearm and nod. “Yes, sir. We can do it all at The Plantation. I’ll train them there. Thanks again, Cain. You’re saving my ass.”
Cain glances from me to Hoodoo and back to me. “At this point, I feel like you don’t need saving, Maxxy. You’re perfectly capable of handling yourself.”
“See, a man who actually understands me…” Smiling, I place the glass down on the bar. “All right, can we get out of here?”
Hoodoo slaps Cain on the shoulder. “Talk soon, brother.”
Cain doesn’t answer. He simply dips his head.
I take off, leaving Hoodoo in my wake. I know the eyes of Selene are staring into my back as I walk out, and I have to admit, seeing her has unsettled me. If I were to be honest, I never thought I’d see her again, and I had made peace with that. I was trying to leave those days behind me. But seeing her—seeing how she looked at me and knowing from that one look she definitely wasn’t finished with me—yeah, I’m sure that’s not the last time I will see Selene. I can only hope it doesn’t fuck up the deal I have going with Cain because, whether I like the Baton Rouge Bachelors or not, Ineedthem.
The clubneedsthem.
And I can’t let an old problem get in the way.
Hoodoo’s steps thump loudly behind me as I make my way to the car. Rolling my eyes, I reach the door, then turn, glaring at him. “Do we have a problem, oh grumpy one?”
Hoodoo shakes his head as he reaches the passenger side, and he jumps in, stating, “No problem for me. But Trap’s woman certainly has a problem with you. Anything you wanna open up about?”