Page 26 of Fixate
Smirking, I walk inside. “The whole pig?”
She chuckles. “Grit and Omen already brought the pig in from the pit outside and helped us carve it, so you only have to carry the giant tray.”
Raising my brow, I smirk. “Can I sample it first?” I ask, stepping up to the bench and peeling back the tinfoil.
Lani swats at my hand with a giggle. “No! Leave the foil on. We need to keep it moist until we’re ready to eat.”
I can’t help but smile. I love how Lani has grown into her own. Despite her injuries, she is still so outgoing and unapologetically herself. “Yes, ma’am. I have to say, Lani and Frankie, you ladies have done an amazing job. This all smells so fucking good.”
Lani slides the tray my way as Jaz picks up another meat tray and Clover and Addi a side of vegetables. “Wait till you taste it. There’s nothing like a Hawaiian Christmas feast. Now hurry up and take it in before it gets cold. Chop, chop,” Lani states with a big smirk.
Smiling, I pick up the heavy-as-fuck tray of pork and start walking out to the main room. Everyone watches us entering, the aroma wafting in with us, and the general hum of approval is evident as I place the pork in front of Hurricane and Kaia. I glance at Kaia, holding her daughter, and tilt my head. “Lani’s doing good in there,” I tell her.
Kaia reaches out, placing her hand on my arm. “Thank you… I worry about her doing too much but don’t want to hover. I did that too much in her early years, stifling her. Plus, she has Grit to care for her now, so I try to let her do her thing, even though it’s hard as hell to just stand back.”
I nod in understanding. Coming from a medical background, I see it all too often that when the caregivers aren’t needed as much, it’s a hard adjustment for them. But Kaia has baby Imogen to take up her time now, and Lani has her own life to lead. I’d go as far as to say Lani has been thriving since joining the club. Yeah, the incident with the cult and her being burned was a step back, but Lani doesn’t let anything hold her back.
That’s the thing about her—she’s persistent.
She’s never let anything get in her way.
Not her epilepsy and certainly not her burns.
The woman is an inspiration to all of us.
“Yeah… but you have nothing to worry about with Lani. Her mental strength is what gets her by.”
Kaia exhales and cuddles baby Imogen. “You’re so right… and thank you for helping her.”
I wink at Kaia as Hurricane dips his head in thanks. “My pleasure.”
Turning, I go back to the kitchen to see what else I can help with as Clover and Addi continue to rush things out to the table. I enter to find Lani and Frankie continuing to get things ready on the center countertop in the kitchen. “Okay, tell me what to do. I am yours to do with as you wish.”
Frankie raises her brow, and Lani snickers to herself. “You really want to offer yourself up to us like that, Hoodoo?” Frankie jests.
Lani beams. “We could have you do all kinds of crazy shit.”
I narrow my eyes on Lani. “Never thought of you as theusing and abusingtype, Lani.”
She snorts. “Hey, you offer yourself up for free. I can think of some things I can get you to do for me.”
Frankie giggles.
“I’m scared to even ask. Are you sure Grit would approve?”
Lani bursts out laughing. “Oh, I think he’d be right into it. Because I’ve been so busy with Christmas prep, I haven’t done our laundry for two weeks. So if you’re really offering up your services, I have two loads that need to be washed, dried, ironed, folded, and put away.”
Frankie bursts out laughing.
I scrunch up my face. “Not really my specialty.”
Lani slumps her shoulders. “Damn… was worth a try. Well then, use those bulging biceps and take this turkey out. At least be useful for something.”
Frankie snickers. “Damn! Lani, you’re on fire.”
“Not lately, just that one time,” she teases while Frankie and I widen our eyes. “I’m kidding, guys. Relax, I’m fine. C’mon, let’s go eat this amazing lunch. And I promise I will stop teasing you both.”
Frankie and I let out a collective exhale as I take the turkey while shaking my head. Lani walks out ahead of us as I glance at Frankie, who seems slightly rattled, so I step in front and halt her from exiting. “Hey, you okay?”