Page 44 of Fixate
As we pull down the street for the clubhouse, I hand Hoodoo my cell. “Can you look up something for me?”
He shrugs. “Yeah, what?”
“Can you search Urban Dictionary and tell me what a cockhold is?” I can’t help but smirk.
He scrunches up his face, trying to return my cell to me. “The fuck, Maxxy? I’m not looking up porn moves for you.”
Laughing, I shake my head. “Don’t be such a prude. Ireallywant to know what it means. Can you please just look it up for me?”
He groans, scrunches up his face, reluctantly types it into the search area, then jerks his head back. “Jesus, Maxxy!” he snaps, making me burst out laughing. He glares at me. “You already knew what it was, didn’t you?”
My shoulders shake with my humor when I nod. “Oh, yeah, I just wanted to see you uncomfortable.”
He throws my cell at me and grunts. “You’d definitely be the type of woman to do this,” he says as we approach the gate.
All is forgotten when his eyes light up, seeing the honor row of his brothers lining the entryway once I pull up.
His mouth drops open as the mass of Defiance bikers, old ladies, and club girls raise their fists to their chests to show their support and solidarity for their brother. He sinks into his seat as we drive through the long line. I move slowly when they begin to hit the car with their fists as we make our way through them. The thuds all mark their respect for the brother they nearly lost—the brother who threw down his life to protect them all.
Hoodoo turns to me and sighs. “You were distracting me, so I wouldn’t see this as I approached… so I would be surprised, weren’t you?”
The thuds on the car continue as the roar of the Harley behind us makes it extra special.
“They love you, Hoodoo. I wanted you to be surprised at the respect they have for you. Do you feel it?” I ask.
The look of sheer awe on his face tells me he does. His eyes glisten, and he inhales deeply, sitting back in his seat as we park. His hand on my knee tightens as the crowd gathers around the outside of the vehicle. “Yeah… I feel it.”
“C’mon then, let’s go show them you’re okay. They’re all dying to speak to you.” I move to get out of the car, but he grabs my wrist, stopping me. I turn back to look at him, raising my brow in question.
“Thank you… thank you for taking care of me. For taking time away from The Plantation for me. For distracting me when we came in here right now. Just… thank you.You’re amazing, Maxxy, and I don’t ever tell you that, but I should.”
Shrugging, I smile. “You’re worth it, Hoodoo. Now, c’mon, the guys are waiting,” I tell him, then turn and jump out of the car because if I stay, with the way he’s looking at me, I don’t know if I will be able to contain myself.
I want to kiss him so damn bad, but with everyone around us, now is not the time to take such big actions. So I quickly head to Kaia and Izzy, who are smiling at me knowingly.
Novah leans in, instantly wrapping her arm around my side. “Giiirl, you got it bad!”
I roll my eyes and make a snorting sound as I shove her off me.
Hoodoo hops out of the car, and as he does, the guys all cheer, circling him, pulling him into a round of back-slapping man hugs.
I stand back, letting them surround him in their brotherly love.
He needs it.
He needsthem.
And right now—Ineeda drink.
With that, I turn, walking off, leaving everyone behind, making my way for the clubhouse and leaving the celebrations behind me.
I need some breathing room.
Hoodoo and I are complicated.
We fight and bicker like an old married couple.
Though most of the time, I think we play it up for fun.