Page 89 of Fixate
The Baroness smirks, glancing across the Houston chapter brothers, and she nods. “Oh yes, it’s going to be a doozy, and when I come calling, you better answer…without hesitation. Lovely wedding, Hurricane. Kaia makes a beautiful bride. Such a pleasure doing business with you again. Talk soon.” She turns, signaling to her guys, and they all follow her out of the destroyed clubhouse.
I glance at Hurricane, and he shakes his head, not liking our position with her.
But it’s a bed we’ve made.
And now we just have to wait and see where the chips will fall.
Seventeen Days Later
The clean-up after the wedding took us a few days, but life after that has been basically back to normal, except for that one little thing hanging over my head.
The fact that Selene has a video of me in jail stabbing another inmate—yeah,thatlittle thing.
Raid has been trying his hardest to gain access to Selene’s files, but he’s having all kinds of trouble. I’ve resigned myself to simply enjoying what time I have left with Hoodoo and the club because Lord knows I cannotsee a way out of this.
The other thing that’s playing on my mind is ‘N.’
I’ve made numerous attempts to write him a letter explaining what’s going on with Hoodoo and me, but I keep trashing them. Nothing I write seems to say the right thing.
Is it possible to be in love with two people simultaneously?
And is it possible to love someone I have never even met?
Someone I don’t even know his name?
My eyes widen in shock as I jerk my head back—wait?Am I in love with Hoodoo?
Things with him have been amazing these last couple of months, and honestly, he pushes every one of my buttons. We banter and bicker, but that only adds to what we have.
It’s who we are as a couple.
It’s what makes us a couple.
A sudden knocking on the bathroom door snaps me out of my long thought process.
“You okay in there?” Hoodoo asks through the door.
Pulling some paper off the roll, I wipe even though I finished a good ten minutes ago and then pull my panties up. “Hold your horses, old man. Girls shit too, you know?” I say to stop him from probing me about why I am taking so long. I don’t need him to ask what has me sitting here contemplating life right now.
I hear him chuckling on the other side as I flush and move to the sink to wash my hands.
“Sorry, just wanted to make sure you were all good.”
I walk to the door and pull it open, smiling at him. “All good, feel much better,” I say, then walk over to his bed, taking a seat. “Hey… we never talked about us.”
Hoodoo raises his brow, then quickly takes a seat beside me. “Us? Do weneedto talk about us?” he asks.
I shake my head. “No, forget I said anything,” I quickly reply and move to stand, but he chuckles, grabs my hand, and pulls me back on the bed.
“Talk to me, woman. What’s racing through that beautiful head of yours?” he asks, sliding his hand into my short hair.
Letting out an exhale, I close my eyes. “I don’t fucking know.”
He grips my hair tighter, forcing me to look up at him. “Are we okay?”