Page 38 of Blue-Eyed Hero
“Connie should know better than to underestimate Martha.”
“Oh, she’s going to make her life a living hell.”
Martha was a free spirit who believed in peace, love, and happiness, but that didn’t mean she didn’t have a vengeful bone in her body. The truth was, Martha didn’t play nice with those who didn’t extend the same kindness she exuded. The only one she ever put up with was Joe, but even then, she still got her jabs in and spent more times rolling her eyes at the poor man.
“You made it!” Martha exclaimed as they approached her booth. It was a standard booth, but Martha always managed to create a peaceful vibe that was both inviting and intriguing.
“It looks great,” Allison said.
“Yes, and now we need to get everyone to see it,” Martha said.
Allison scanned the booth, trying to determine the best place to stand in order to showcase all of Martha’s products. She settled on standing smack dead in the middle, so Larry could get a good focus on all the things that surrounded them.
“You ready?” Allison asked.
“You bet your cute tush I am.”
With a smile, Allison held her mic up and looked directly at the camera. Larry counted down from three, and at one, he pointed at her.
“Hi this is Allison Winters, reporting from the Mind, Body and Soul booth at this year's Lobster Festival. I have the owner and beloved member of our small town, Martha, here with me. She has some great products to help kick off your summer right.”
Allison continued the introduction then turned the microphone to Martha, who was a natural. Out of her peripheral, she spotted a familiar uniform. Her first reaction was to be annoyed by the sexy officer, wondering what comment he’d have today, but the fact he stayed with her last night without even a second's hesitation warmed her heart where he was concerned.
She finished with Martha, signed off to the camera, and lowered her mic. Just as her arm dropped, Reid stepped into the frame.
“What are you doing here?” Allison asked. “If you’ve come to be my own private security, I can assure you I am fine.” Even if she was more paranoid than usual. She’d never admit that to Reid, though.
“Just the man I wanted to see!” Martha exclaimed.
Reid leaned into Allison, his breath caressing the curve of her ear. “I wasn’t here for you.”
“What can I do for you, Martha?” He pushed his aviators onto his head.
Martha sighed. “Such pretty eyes. I don’t understand why you had them covered during your interview. Give the people of this town what they want.”
Allison’s eyebrows rose, and she shot Reid an I-told-you-so glare.
“The town does not need my eyes,” Reid said matter-of-factly. “Is that why you called me here?”
“No.” Martha waved her hand. “I called you because Connie placed me all the way over here in bumblefu…dge and I want to make sure I will be safe, considering how far back I am from the rest of the festival.”
She wasn’t exactly alone. Willow Cove insurance had a booth across from her and a local carpet cleaner had the booth beside her.
“I can assure you that you will be perfectly fine here. You have nothing to worry about.”
Martha inhaled. “I hope so. Normally I wouldn’t think twice about it, but after Allison’s brush with danger and the attacks on Harley, I can’t not think about it.”
“Both incidents were personal. Allison’s brush with danger.” Reid’s eyes might not have rolled, but his tone sure did. “It was her own doing. The incident was between Krissy and her cousin, and he is now in jail. As for Harley. She was being targeted by a social media mob that had nothing better to do with their lives than harass some stranger they knew from the internet. Since Allison put a spotlight on their childish and outlandish behavior, Harley has reported no more incidents.”
This time Reid shot her a look that was less I-told-you-so and more I-hate-you. She smiled and waved, which gave her the eye roll she’d been waiting on.
She could let Reid handle this himself, but maybe he was right. She did kind of get him into this mess. The least she could do was help him out.
“Martha, Reid is right. You have nothing to worry about. He and his station have a glowing track record and continue to serve our community, putting the people’s safety as their number one concern.”
Reid glanced, the hard set of his jaw softening as he mouthed, “Thank you.”
She nodded. “Besides, after my segment runs, you’ll have a steady flow of customers throughout the entire festival. I can guarantee it.”