Page 40 of Blue-Eyed Hero
“Why don’t you want people to know? It’s just a town or a city. You can even tell me the state.”
“Drop it.”
“Because I fucking said so.”
She jolted at the intensity of his words.
“I’m sorry. Just drop it, okay? Digging into my past will throw you into a shitstorm you can never be prepared for. Let. It. Go.”
Normally she’d argue, bite back with refusal and indignation, but the flash of fear and desperation that passed through his voice and across his features had her lips staying firmly shut. She nodded.
“Thank you. Now, since I’m here, have you gotten any more letters?”
“Good. I’ll be at your house by eight.”
Her head whipped back. “I don’t remember inviting you.”
“I don’t need an invitation. I’m not coming for a fucking party. I’m coming to make sure you’re protected.”
This was getting out of hand. Reid couldn’t be her personal security guard. It had been nothing but letters, and yes, a disgusting cow tongue, but the perpetrator had yet to show face, and from past experience, she doubted they ever would. Just some asshole trying to rile her up. She was done being scared.
“I appreciate your concern. I do. But I’m fine.”
“Right now you are. That doesn’t mean tonight you will be.”
“Stop with the scare tactics. It’s not going to work on me.”
“I’m not trying to scare you. I’m trying to make you see reason.”
It was more than Reid playing bodyguard. She wasn’t sure if she could handle him in her house again. She liked sitting across from him while they ate dinner. Liked having coffee with him this morning. She didn’t want to get used to having him around because when this was over, and she knew it would be, they would be back to this. Rivals who tolerated each other. To think they could be anything more… she didn’t think she could handle the disappointment if the red-hot chemistry between them sizzled out. But she knew if they spent more time together, that chemistry would eventually explode. She wasn’t ready for those consequences, either. She had a feeling Reid Silva wasn’t someone a girl got over easily.
“Why are you always so fucking difficult?”
“Why do you always curse?”
He thrust his hand through his hair, then scratched the back of his neck. She wondered if he ever gave himself scratch marks with how often he did so. Her mind slipped into the gutter as she imagined her own nails sliding up and down his back.
“At least let me stop by so I can do a proper walk through and make sure everything is okay. Then I’ll leave. Promise.”
“Fine. But I swear to all that is holy if you get in my house and refuse to leave, I will—”
“You’ll what? Talk me to death?”
“Sometimes I really hate you.”
“Good. It’s better that way.”
And with that, he walked off, disappearing into the fairgrounds.
Chapter 14
He hoped Allison heeded his warning for once. Though he knew it would be a cold day in hell if she did. That woman didn’t know how to not be nosey. It was in her blood. He couldn’t keep her from snooping around in his past, though he was pretty sure she would come up empty. He’d covered his tracks and took all the precautions to bury his past. It helped when he had an in with some of the heads of the FBI.