Page 43 of Blue-Eyed Hero
“I thought it was sheriff??” she snapped. “And to answer your question, yes, if his name is Reid, and he keeps yanking me along.” She stormed past him, and he hurried to keep up. Now she decided to move with purpose.
They approached the boy and his mom, who were at the window, placing their order.
Allison came to a stop and turned. He grabbed her shoulders to keep from plowing her down.
“Let me do the talking,” she said.
“Look, I want to find out just as much as you do, if not more, who is responsible.”
“Then let me do the talking and figure it out.”
“Excuse me, finding out the scoop is kind of my thing.”
“And enforcing the law, protecting the citizens of this town, and maintaining a safe environment is mine.”
“Now that we have our job descriptions out of the way.” Allison huffed. “Just let me talk. You can chime in, but I think it’ll be a little less scary if I’m the one who approaches.”
“Well, it’s either that or stand here, wasting precious time. Now go.”
She patted his chest, and he ignored the instant heat that radiated through him, the electric current that had him swallowing against the desire to hold her there. “Always the charmer.” She turned on her heel and made her way to the mom and son duo.
He was eager to get answers, and it took every ounce of self-restraint he had not to jump in, but as soon as Allison approached, he knew she had this under control. She was friendly but direct, unlike him, who would have forgotten about the pleasantries.
While Allison spoke, he listened, but his eyes scanned the surrounding areas, looking for someone who appeared to be observing Allison.
Allison crouched down to the boy's height and spoke kindly to him, but the boy didn’t have much to say other than a big guy with a baseball hat gave him the note. That about narrowed it down to more than half of the people around.
She thanked the boy and the mom before walking away. “Well, that didn’t help.”
“We just have to keep our eyes open, and you need to let me know if you get any more letters.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“If I didn’t see you, didn’t snatch that letter out of your hand, would you have shown it to me?” Her lips pressed into a straight line, and he let out a perturbed breath. “That answers that.”
“You didn’t even give me a chance to process what happened before you came over, all alpha douche bag and swiped it.”
“Alpha douche bag? Real nice.”
“Just calling it as I see it.”
Was it that hard for her to realize he was trying to protect her? That the idea of her having some psycho targeting her made his skin crawl. And that it could all lead back to him… If anything happened to her…
“Anyway, this has been fun, but I have to go.”
“You’re not going anywhere,” Reid stated.
Allison’s eyebrow arched, and she laughed in his face. “If I don’t show up at the family barbeque, this mystery stalker will be the least of your worries.”
“Then I’m going with you.”
“Oh no. That is one hundred percent not happening.”