Page 53 of Blue-Eyed Hero
“She’s not mine. I just call her the cat.”
“I hate to break this to you, but it looks like she’s adopted you. Might as well honor her with a name.”
“I’m not naming the cat.”
The cat finished eating and moved toward Allison, arching her back against her leg and… purring.
“Are you kidding me?” Reid exclaimed. “I have tried to get near that damn cat for months, and you’re out here for two seconds, put no effort into it, and she’s all over you.”
“Have you met you?”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Just that you’re a little intimidating. She’s probably just scared of you. I know I was the first time I met you.”
“It’s true.” Allison held her hand to the cat and waited patiently.
“You bark more than you talk. We’ve already established you have a permanent scowl. And you radiate this air of power and authority. You’re intense, and that can be intimidating to many people.”
“But you’re Allison Winters. You shove microphones in anyone’s face as long as it’ll get you a story.”
She laughed gently, her hand still out and waiting patiently for the cat. Reid had never been that patient. After thirty seconds, he’d give up. The cat tilted its head and ran it across Allison’s hand. Reid watched, transfixed by this little miracle. Allison smiled but didn’t try to pet the cat. She relinquished all control of the situation, allowing the furry feline to test the waters.
“In the beginning, it was blind confidence. I had something to prove, and that’s all that mattered. But whenever I dealt with you, I’d have to sit in the van for a few minutes to calm down my beating heart. Get myself back together.”
“I’m sorry,” he said. “I didn’t know you then. I just knew you as—”
“The pain in the ass.”
“Pretty much, and you still are.”
“I’m not anything if not consistent.”
“Do you still have to sit in the van after dealing with me?”
“My heart races with you for an entirely different reason. I don’t need to calm my nerves. I need to cool myself down.”
“So now it’s just blind rage toward me that heats you up.”
The cat gave one last purr before scurrying off into the surrounding woods. Allison stood. “I thought it was,” she said. “But I’m beginning to realizethatheat is something entirely different.”
He had no idea who moved first, but his hands thrust into her hair, pulling her close. His mouth slammed against hers with an urgency he couldn’t explain. A tiny moan slipped between their lips, the sound a spark to the kindling simmering inside him.
Fire erupted in his veins, spreading through him like an out-of-control wildfire. He couldn’t stop it if he wanted to, and he did not want to. Allison’s fingers curled into his shirt, pulling him closer, slanting her mouth over his and taking everything he had to give. His hands slid down the perfect curves of her ass and squeezed. She lifted with him, and her legs wrapped around his waist.
He kissed her, placing her on his workbench. A few tools crashed to the ground, but neither broke the kiss. Her heel pushed into his ass, bringing his erection right to her center. She grinded against him, her nails digging into his neck. Desire spiraled through him, stealing his breath and any ounce of control.
His fingers hooked her shirt and yanked it over her head. His heart stuttered at the two perfect mounds covered in red lace. He swallowed, unable to look away, rendered completely dumbfounded at her beauty. He’d imagined so many times what she would look like beneath her perfectly tailored dresses and suits, but this…
Chapter 18
Allison grabbed his face, urging him to her. Their lips crashed, igniting a new hunger inside her. Years of untapped sexual chemistry exploded as desperation poured into the kiss. Desire swirled through her like a tornado, destroying her resolve, fueling fires throughout her body, and sweeping her up in a moment she would never forget.
“You’re making it really hard to stay in control.”