Page 8 of Blue-Eyed Hero
“After you got knocked out cold, then texted Reid to come help you.”
“I don’t need a recap. I was there.”
“All I’m saying is you should cut the guy some slack. Willow Cove is about as safe as you can get.”
Allison bit her lip. Would Luna still think that if she saw the letter Allison had received? Even if Allison thought it was nothing, there was still that nagging voice in the back of her head telling her it could be a viable threat. She wouldn’t tell Luna, though. Luna being a single mom of a twelve-year-old girl just on the brink of PMS and hormones had enough on her plate to worry about.
“He’ll survive,” Allison muttered just as the instructor strolled in. Becca was all limbs, lean and graceful, who could bend her body into positions Allison could never imagine.
“How are we today?” she asked, clapping her hands together as she moved to the front of the class.
This was the time Allison usually hated, when her conversation would be cut off and she’d spend the next hour becoming one with her body, but today she welcomed the silence.
She listened to Becca and got into position, letting her mind free of thought and focused on her breathing.
An hour later, sweaty, tired, and ready to crash, Allison and Luna walked out of the yoga class. Luna’s phone rang as soon as they were in the parking lot, and Luna juggled her keys and mat to answer.
“Hey baby,” she said, waving to the phone.
Allison poked her head into the shot and waved at her niece, who was looking more and more like Luna every day. “Hi!” Allison’s voice squeaked across the parking lot.
“Hi Aunt Allison! Did you get the bracelet from my mom?”
Allison held up her wrist, showing off the beaded design. “Sure did. I love it.”
“Are you ready for the dance?” Allison asked, then gave her best attempt at the newest dance moves she had seen on social media.
“Please don’t ever do that again,” Presley said, and Luna laughed a little too loudly.
Allison shrugged. “Hey, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m cool.”
Presley tilted her head, her long brown hair falling to the side. “Maybe ten years ago.”
“Oh, burn!” Luna exclaimed, and Allison shoved her shoulder. “I’m pretty sure that term is older than ten years.”
“The difference is I know I’m old,” Luna said, and Presley nodded.
“Fine. I’ll keep all my dance moves to myself,” Allison said. “And you can be on your own for the dance.”
“I’m okay with that,” Presley agreed. “But I was hoping you’d help me get a dress.”
“I thought I was getting you one.” Disappointment laced Luna’s words.
Presley’s cheeks swished back and forth. “Mom, if you picked my dress out, it would be pink with ruffles and probably have a unicorn on it.”
“What’s wrong with unicorns? You love unicorns.”
“I did when I was ten.”
Luna turned to Allison. “When she was ten. Do you hear her?”
Allison patted her shoulder. “Welcome to the teen years, sis. Where everything is uncool, especiallyyou.”
“Gee thanks.”
“Okay, I got to go. I love you, P bug. I’ll call you, and we can go get a dress this weekend, but only if your mom can come.”