Page 68 of A Toast for Laurent
“I’m Phoebe. You must be Gio.”
His mouth opened, and he inhaled loudly. “How’d you know my name?”
“Your uncle talks about you a lot. Said you’re really special.”
“He’s special, too.”
Phoebe caught my eye and smiled. “Yeah, he is.”
“Are you going to play Battleship with us? It’s a two-person game, but we can take turns.”
“I… I should go.”
“Or you can stay,” I said.
“And if we get up early tomorrow, we can get donuts!” Gio exclaimed before heading inside.
I didn’t say anything else. I walked by her, opened the door, and waited with my hand resting against the wood. She pushed to her feet, standing from the step, and brushed past me into the house. This was turning into a habit, but it was a habit I didn’t want to break. It was unhealthy, and a therapist would have a field day on our asses, but if it was the only way I could have her, then this was my life now.
I closed the door and followed her inside.
My body still zinged with Laurent's touch. Last night, like every night with Laurent, had been amazing. I honestly had every intention of staying, but when my eyes popped open at four a.m., my body pressed perfectly against his memories of the night before filtered into my mind. Remembering how good he was with Gio… He was meant to be a father No matter how much I tried to ignore it, panic set in, and I took off. Again. It was a horrible pattern, and the guilt was eating me alive. My brain kept bringing me to Laurent’s bedroom with him waking up, only to find me not there. I wondered if he’d accepted it, or if every time he awoke disappointment settled into his bones. Maybe both.
It was hard knowing I was hurting someone I loved, but my wiring was a tangled mess, and no matter how bad I felt, I couldn’t reroute the brain signals that had me up and running.
“Here it is!” Parker announced as she flung the door open to The Cakery, and knocking me to reality. The shop was adorable, with a natural brick wall that drew the eye right to the light blue counter that looked like a refurbished antique cabinet. Glass cases sat to the right filled with all types of mini cakes and some larger special occasion cakes. Cake stands sat on top with mockup wedding cakes covered in lace, pearls and flowers that were stunning.
“Welcome!” Lainey said as she came out of the back. Her white t-shirt showed me she was confident, because there was no way in hell I could do what she did and not ruin a white shirt. “I’m Lainey.”
Lainey shook Parker’s hand.
“Hi!” Parker waved, then did her giddy hop and clap. “I’m so excited.”
“I’m glad to see you made it out of the town hall meeting alive,” Lainey said, and I laughed.
“It was touch and go there for a minute. I thought Steve was going to hold me hostage until I agreed to go to his museum.”
“Oh, he’s harmless. Just really obsessed with that museum. It’s a good way to spend an hour. I’d suggest having a few drinks first. Makes it that much more fun.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks.”
“I didn’t know you two had already met,” Parker said.
“Town hall meeting,” we said in unison.
Lainey sighed. “I missed the last one because I was delivering a cake to Jersey and hit a bunch of traffic on the way back.”
“Wow, that’s a trip,” I said.
“I told you she delivers, so if I have the wedding in Boston…”
“I’ll get it to you.” Lainey smiled. “Now, I hope you brought your appetite, because I have a ton of cake for you to try.”
“Eep!” Parker squealed.
“If you want to take a seat over there, I’ll get you started.”
I followed Parker to a small round table with three chairs. All of which looked to have been refurbished.