Page 9 of A Toast for Laurent
“We can have that discussion anywhere. It’s time you left the lodge and saw the town.”
“I’ve seen the town before.”
“When? And if you say eighteen years ago, that answer is not acceptable.”
I snapped my parted lips shut and shot him a glare. “I’m sure it hasn’t changed much.”
“Grab your bag and a sweater. It still gets cold this time of year.”
“Still have that protective air about you, I see.”
“Then don’t grab your sweater and freeze your ass off. What do I care?”
I wasn’t expecting the bite in his tone, nor was I expecting that sexy gravelly tone to send heat to my core. I swallowed the surprising desire coursing through me and spun on my heel. I grabbed my sweater off the back of my chair and my bag out of the bottom drawer of my desk.
“Happy?” I asked.
“Fucking thrilled. Let’s go.”
Sheesh. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. I didn’t say anything. I needed him more than he needed me, so for now I’d bite my tongue. Besides, this grumpy side of him was a total turn on.
I put an extra sway in my step and strutted past him. I swear I heard a growl as I entered the hallway. Mission accomplished.
His long strides quickly caught up to me, then I was huffing after him. As a runner, I was used to moving quickly, but that was when I was wearing the appropriate footwear. Heels and sprinting were never a good combination, especially at forty. Was he trying to make me roll an ankle?
At the door, he stopped.
“Oh, how kind of you to make sure I was keeping up,” I snapped.
“You sound like my sister.”
“Which one?”
“How is she?” I asked, genuinely curious. She had been so kind to me that Thanksgiving so long ago.
“Good,” he said, and motioned me to walk out the door.
“Just good?”
This time he didn’t speed past me; he kept stride.
“Does she work for the vineyard?”
“What does she do?” God, if I wanted to pull teeth, I’d have become a dentist.
“She’s VP of Operations.”
“Looks like me and her have something in common. I’ll have to talk shop with her one day.”
“Do you plan on sticking around? That’s usually not your MO.”
I inhaled, letting my breath out very slowly, so I didn’t strangle Mr. Grumpy Pants. “I’m making conversation, but you’re making it very difficult.”