Page 19 of A Thirst for Franc
“Okay.” A smile spread wide on Gio’s face, and he bounced toward the truck. With a laugh, Franc followed, and I fell in step beside him.
“I thought I would have worn him out, but I guess not,” I said as Gio made a beeline for the swings.
“My son doesn’t wear out. His batteries are always fully charged. He’s even active in his sleep. I’ll put him to bed in a normal position, and by morning, his head is where his feet were, his blankets are a knotted mess, and his legs are hanging off the mattress.”
I stifled a laugh as we came to a stop at the truck window. There were several groups of people waiting off to the side, and Maria poked her head out with a bag.
“Simone!” Maria called.
A woman with dark brown skin and long box braids stepped forward. Her red lips matched the shirt beneath her black suit. She grabbed the bag and turned, her brown eyes lighting up. “Franc, it’s so good to see you,” she said, and an unexpected curiosity consumed me. Were they friends? Or did they know each other on a more intimate level?
“You, too,” he said.
“How’s the new plot of land?” she asked.
“So far, so good. We’re in the process of getting the field ready to plant.”
“That’s great.”
“I’m sorry,” Franc said, turning to me. “Quinn, this is Simone. She is Vine Valley’s best real estate agent.”
Simone held out her hand, and I shook it. “I sure am. Mainly because I’m one of the few.”
“Hi, I’m Quinn.”
“Quinn is new in town,” Franc offered, his eyes constantly drifting to Gio. “A godsend really. She’s going to be helping with Gio while I’m at work.”
“A godsend indeed.” Simone laughed. “That boy is an absolute doll, but he makes me tired just watching him.” Simone turned to where Gio was lying, stomach down on the swing and holding his arms out like Superman. “He’s adorable, though. Just like his father.”
I wanted to agree, but I held my tongue. No matter how cute either of them were, Franc was technically my boss.
“Well, welcome to our small town. If you are ever in the market for a home, please call me. I can get you the best deal.”
“She’s not kidding.”
“Good to know. Thank you. And it was a pleasure meeting you.”
“You as well. Now I need to go eat these tacos before they get cold.” With a wave, Simone headed to her four-door Volvo.
“She seems nice,” I said. “Very pretty, too.” I had no idea why I said it, but I guess I was fishing.
“That she is,” Franc said, though I wasn’t sure what part he was referring to.
“Next!” Maria called.
Franc stepped forward, and Maria’s face lit up. He seemed to have that effect on women. “If it isn’t my favorite winemaker.”
“And if it isn’t my favorite taco master.”
Maria placed a hand under her chin and rolled her eyes up like she was posing for her closeup. “Now, if I can snag a spot on one of those competition shows, I could claim the official title.”
“You will and if not, it’s their loss and our gain.”
“Always the charmer.” Maria’s brown eyes drifted to me, and her mouth opened. “You’re back.”
“I am. I have an addiction to your carne asada. Are you sure you don’t add something in there that makes people crave it?”
“Just a dash of love and a whole lot of my mother’s recipes.” She waved her finger between Franc and me. “Are you two together?”