Page 34 of A Thirst for Franc
“We should watch it. I mean… notwe. I don’t know why I inserted myself into it.”
I liked that she did more than I would ever care to admit. “We can. I can stream it after I eat or while I eat. Make some popcorn.”
Her teeth slid over her bottom lip, and her brown eyes met mine. “I should go.”
A disappointed pit landed in my stomach, but I didn’t want to think about it. “Of course. You’ve been here all day. I’m sure you have things to do.”
She grabbed the door and stopped, looking back at me. “I think Gio’s going to love it.” With that, she closed the door.
Shutting my car door, I leaned in my seat and closed my eyes before putting the shifter in drive and getting the hell out of there. I needed to get a grip. I was really starting to love Gio, but that wasn’t the problem. The problem was this uncontrollable attraction I had to his father. But holy Mary and Joseph, could that man ever look bad? He was seriously a walking billboard of pure sex appeal, and I didn’t even think he knew it.
Woman had to be throwing themselves at him constantly. I witnessed it myself with Addy. Okay, maybe she didn’t throw herself at him, per se, but she was definitely hot and bothered. Not that I could blame her. It was hard not to ogle over that strong jawline, too perfect hair, and those smoky blue eyes that made me want to strip bare in front of him.
No. Stop it. Think of puppies and kittens and… Franc lounged out shirtless, playing with puppies and kittens. I was hopeless. With a defeated sigh, and visions of a shirtless Franc and cute puppies, I pulled out of the driveway and headed home.
The sun shimmered through the treetops and into my car, casting me in a warm blanket. Summer had been one of my favorite seasons, and not because as a teacher I had the summer off, but because everything had been reborn in the spring and was now thriving.
Moving to Vine Valley, I felt reborn. It wasmysummer, and my time to thrive. Having sexual fantasies about my boss was definitely not the way to go about it. I needed to clear my head and lock those desires away.
Admittedly, it had been a long time since I’d been with anyone. After everything that happened back home, I couldn’t bring myself to date. Mom told me to have a fling, but my image had already been damaged enough. Having a fling would only support the lies.
My entire life I played within the lines, always afraid to go against the grain, break the rules, yet it made me an easy target. Maybe I was too nice. Too vulnerable. But was there anything wrong with that? Despite everything, I still didn’t think so. And even though following the rules backfired on me before, I needed my job. It was a miracle I’d gotten it in the first place. Without it, I don’t know how long I would have lasted in Vine Valley before I’d have to head home, tail in between my legs.
I turned into my driveway and sat there for a minute too long, gathering my bearings and reminding myself that I needed this job more than I needed to see Franc Grasso naked. I reached into my bag for my phone. A good talk with Mom would l help clear my head. It always did. Except… where the hell was my phone? My hand rummaged around, and finally frustrated, I plopped the bag on my lap and looked down into the mess. It wasn’t there, which meant…crap. I left it on Franc’s kitchen counter.
It’s like the universe was laughing in my face. Mom would tell me this was fate, and I should have stayed for the movie. Which I would argue it’s just a really shitty coincidence.
I could get it in the morning. But what if CeeCee called me with her drama, or Birdie needed help picking an outfit? I couldn’tnotbe available to my siblings if they needed me. I promised them I’d always be there for them.
Damn you, universe.
I backed out of my driveway and cut the wheel to head to the Grasso house. Too bad I didn’t notice before I pulled into my place. I could have saved myself a half hour return trip. Well… it would have only been a half hour if I didn’t get stuck behind a tractor on the main road with a line of cars behind him. I swear the man was going slow on purpose and enjoyed the one driver yelling out his window.
Finally, I turned into the Grasso’s driveway and parked next to Franc’s truck. With a deep breath, I got out of the car and hurried up the steps. I knocked and waited. And waited. And waited. I knocked again. I fiddled with the keys in my hand and the single house key Franc had given me the day I started. He told me to use it, insisted really. But that was when he knew I was coming.
I knocked again, but after a couple minutes passed, and there was no sign of life, I slipped the key into the lock and turned. The door clicked open, and I pushed inside. Ottis Redding belted out Dock of the Bay, and I realized why no one heard the door.
“Hello?” I called, but no one answered. I made my way toward the kitchen, where I knew I had left my phone.
“Ouch! Shit!” Franc’s voice echoed from the kitchen and down the hall.
Gio gasped. “I heard that!”
“Get back!” Franc yelled. “Actually, get out of here.”
Loud pops followed, and Gio ran out of the kitchen. His blue eyes spotted me and widened. He came to a screeching halt in front of me. “You’re back!”
“I forgot my phone,” I said. “What’s going on in there?”
Gio shook his head, his brown hair flopping on his forehead. “It’s bad.”
“Son of a bitch!” Franc yelled again, followed by more popping.
“If Grandma was here, she’d wash his mouth out with soap.”
“Ouch!” Franc groaned in frustration.
“Stay here,” I said to Gio and hurried around him toward the kitchen. I entered the doorway, the smell of popcorn wafted toward me. More loud pops burst through the sound of Ottis’ smooth voice and popcorn and kernels shot out of a single pan in every direction.