Page 44 of A Thirst for Franc
My face froze as I realized it was his own wine I was carrying on about. “I’m so sorry. That was rude of me.”
“Not at all. Though, it is now my mission to get you to like wine.”
“What if I’m hopeless?”
“You have no faith in me, huh?”
A tiny voice in the recess of my mind reminded me of all the people who I once had faith in and who turned their backs on me when I needed them most.
Franc was different. I didn’t know why, but my gut told me to ignore the stupid voices. My gut was far more reliable than my head.
“I have plenty of faith in you. I just hope you don’t let me down.”
He leaned toward me, a confident spark igniting in his smokey gaze. “Challenge accepted.”
Dinner was delicious, but it was also one of the most erotic experiences I’d had in a long time. Ridiculous. All that transpired was Quinn tasting my wine.
But watching her bring that glass to her sexy mouth, her eyelashes fanning down as she took a tentative sip… It had my dick jolting to attention.
Now she stood at my sink, ass perfectly outlined in her shorts, revealing those long, lean legs I have imagined more than once wrapped around my head.
Fucking hell.I needed to get laid. Or a cold shower.
“The rain is really starting to pick up,” she said, leaning over the sink to get a better look out the window. I groaned as her ass pointed upward, her hips practically begging me to grab hold.
“Everything go okay today?” I blurted.
Quinn glanced over her shoulder, still raised on her bare toes. “Huh?”
I tried to ignore the million images flashing through my head of Quinn naked, bent over, looking back at me with pleasured, heavy lids.
I cleared my throat, yanked at the neck of my shirt. “Today with Gio?”
“Oh, it went great. Tomorrow we’re going to go back to the museum. Steve told me he got in a few new pieces, and Gio was excited when I told him.”
“Steve called you?” The words shot out, sounding way more jealous than I anticipated.
“Yes, I signed up for his call list the last time we were there.”
“He can’t send an email like a normal person?” I grumbled.
“Have you met Steve? I mean, I have once, and I know there is nothing normal about him. Besides, a call is more personal. It’s a nice way to build a customer relationship.”
“Relationship?” My jaw ticked at the word. I was being a dick.. I had no claim on Quinn. I was the one who had avoided woman for so long. Maybe that was my problem. My dick was angry with me.
“Hey.” Quinn wiped her hands on a towel, then grabbed my wrist. “Are you okay?”
I couldn’t tell her the truth. “I’m fine.”
Quinn held my gaze for a moment before turning to the sink. “This pan is going to have to soak a little longer. I’ve given it all the elbow grease I got, and it’s not budging.”
“Do you like Steve?” The question had been sitting on my tongue from the minute she mentioned his name.
Quinn froze before slowly turning around. Her eyebrows knit together over the straight bridge of her cute nose. “Why are you asking me that?” There was an edge to her tone that made me think I might have crossed a line.
“Just a question. He’s odd, but he is a really great guy. He’d give you the shirt off his back if you asked.”
“I’m not sure I’d want to see him without a shirt,” she countered.