Page 34 of Before I Tell You
What happened last night can’t happen again. It was too close to the truth being revealed, and it was my own fault. The two of them are best friends. Brian and Nathan. Two peas in a pod. They have always been best friends and will always be best friends. I was stupid for thinking that this wouldn’t be a problem.
Just then, a tiny voice whispers in my head,tell him.
But I can’t.
Because even if I tell Nathan the truth, he might not believe me. Or worse, he might hate me because of it.
So there is only one thing I can do, and it makes my stomach turn just thinking about it. I need to end whatever is happening between us before it goes too far. I need to end this before Nathan finds out aboutthatnight. I try to convince myself it’s for the best, but the tear that rolls down my cheek and hits the pillow tells me otherwise.
Suddenly, I hear the door shut, and I jump up to see Nathan standing in front of me with nothing but a white towel wrapped around his waist. My mouth drops open, and I don’t have a chance to compose myself before he sees my expression. He has the body of an Olympic god, and I know he can tell exactly what I am thinking from the way I can’t take my eyes off him.
“N-Nathan,” I begin to say before words tumble out of my mouth faster than I anticipate. “I’m so sorry. I had no idea you were still here. Jason told me you stayed in the guest room last night, and I was just checking to see if you were still here, and I’m so sorry about last night. I shouldn’t have—”
“Natalie, it’s ok,” he says calmly, stopping me in the middle of my apology. He looks down at his body and then back at me before a huge grin spreads across his face. “Want to take a picture before I have to put clothes on?”
“Why, you little …” I reach for one of the pillows next to me and toss it hard across the room at him.
He takes a single step to the side, avoiding the pillow altogether. “Are you trying to make my towel fall off, Miss Spencer?” he asks with an annoyingly cute smirk.
I can feel my cheeks turn crimson. “Of course not! I was just checking to see if you were still here, and clearly, you are, so I’ll go now.” I stand up in embarrassment, ready to walk out the door, but the knot that’s holding my bathrobe in place loosens, and I can feel the robe falling from my skin before I can think about stopping it.
In just a single second, Nathan takes one huge stride toward me and holds together the fabric of my bathrobe before it reveals all of me. I quickly re-tie the knot around my waist, and Nathan takes a step back. Looking from my bathrobe to Nathan, I notice he’s staring at the ceiling.
“Yes,” he answers.
“What are you doing?”
“Oh, I just wanted to make sure you were umm … covered first.” He looks back down at me, and I notice his cheeks turning a soft shade of pink. We both share a small, nervous laugh.
I look down at the belt around my robe and find myself playing with it, unable to find the courage to make eye contact with him. We stand there, unsure what to say, as a certain sexual tension builds in the air around us. Nathan runs one hand through his hair and takes a deep breath before taking a single step closer to me, closing the space between us. He places one hand gently on my cheek, then he lifts my chin, so I'm now looking up at him, and that's when he comes down fast on my lips.
I wrap my hands around his neck and pull him in harder as his lips explore mine. But only seconds later, he is already pulling away from me, leaving me wanting more.
His forehead rests against mine as he breathlessly says, “You have no idea what you are doing to me.”
NATALIE LEAVES THE ROOM and shuts the door quietly behind her before I let the towel around my waist fall to the ground.
After sliding my jeans on, I sit on the edge of the bed with my head in my hands, feeling like I need to process everything that has happened these past few days.
And damn, it was a lot to process.
On Friday night, lying side by side with Natalie under the picturesque starry night sky, it felt like what I had always imagined a night with Natalie would feel like.
Why did it take me so long to finally ask her out?
All these years, we had known each other without actually knowing each other. I could kick myself for letting so much time go by.
But I guess luck was on my side when the skies opened up that night. As I held her firmly in my arms against that brick wall, her delicious lips on mine, everything felt dreamlike. Like we were the main characters of our own movie, finally having our big scene together.
I didn’t want that moment between us to end, but like all great films, it had to. Only, when I let her out of my grasp, I had a strange feeling it wouldn’t be the last time she was in my arms, and I was right.