Page 78 of Before I Tell You
JESSICA IS NOT SOMEONE I had planned on running into today. In fact, if I had known she would be here, I probably wouldn’t have come.
“Hey, Nate,” Jessica says. She’s wearing the same devilish smile that used to make my dick instantly hard from knowing what that mouth can do. Doesn’t have the same effect on me anymore, though.
She’s sitting on the couch directly in front of me, on the lap of some poor sucker I don’t recognize, tracing her dagger nails up his chest. One look at this girl should tell people she’s trouble. From the skirt that barely covers her ass to the nipple piercings pressed against the thin fabric of her too-small top, she’s a problem. But at least she’s no longer my problem.
Not to mention, she has slept with at least half the guys in this room, me included. And normally, I wouldn’t even judge someone’s sleeping habits. I mean, look at me. I’m not one to talk. But this girl, well … she’s sinful. And not in a good way.
“Jessica,” I say, purposely not making eye contact with her.
Brian sits on the couch across from her, and I hesitantly follow his lead. Then I try to chug as much of the alcohol in my cup as possible, knowing I will need a lot more than this if I have to be anywhere near this girl tonight. From the corner of my eye, I see Paul stride across the room and look between Jessica and me, fully knowing the history between us, before he takes a seat on my other side. And as if this girl can’t take a hint, she gets up from the lap she is occupying and saunters over to our couch, placing herself directly on my lap, causing me to freeze in annoyance. She puts her hands on my cheeks and moves my face so that I am looking straight into her roguish eyes.
“What are you doing?” I grumble, but she ignores my words.
“No hard feelings. Right, Nate?” She looks completely innocent with her pleading eyes and her bottom lip out.
“Oh, of course not. Why would there be any hard feelings between us?” I ask, sounding as sarcastic as possible before finishing the rest of what’s in my cup.
Last year, Nick came to visit me at school for a weekend. I admit that I shouldn’t have brought him to a college party. That part I will take responsibility for. The part I will not take responsibility for is what occurred at the party.
Jessica had decided to play a drinking game with Nick in the kitchen while I was in the basement. She told him that whoever took the most shots of vodka would win. To this day, I have no idea what the prize was going to be, and I don’t ever want to know. Well, the conniving bitch played her game with my very underage brother, except every time she poured a shot of vodka for Nick, she poured a shot of water for herself.
Nick was over ten shots in when he collapsed to the floor.
A few people rushed to find me and tell me what had happened. I remember running up the stairs, seeing my brother lying motionless on the kitchen floor, and feeling so afraid. I tried shaking him to bring him to, but he just laid there lifeless. So, that night, instead of Nick having a good time visiting his older brother, he spent it in the emergency room getting his stomach pumped. And after I found out about their little game, I cussed Jessica out, letting her know how lucky she was that nothing more serious had happened.
I had hoped never to see her again. But here we are.
“Now, now, you two. That’s all in the past,” Brian says, interrupting my thoughts as he pats my back. “Nate came here to have a good time tonight, so let’s show him one!”
“Cheers to that!” Paul yells before chugging the rest of his drink.
Jessica lowers her lips toward my ear, clearly trying to shove her cleavage in my face. “You know I could show you a good time … to make up for things.”
“No thanks, and I think you should find somewhere else to sit.” I give her a slight push off my lap, taking her by surprise.
“Well, someone’s no fun.” She huffs.
“I don’t do that anymore.” I get up from the couch to grab a bottle of beer from the fridge on the other side of the room.
“And why not?” she asks, surprised.
I notice everyone’s faces have turned toward me, waiting for my response. “Well, not that it’s any of your business, but I’m seeing someone.” I sit back on the couch and use the bottom of my T-shirt to help remove the cap from my beer.
“You? I don’t believe it.” Jessica looks me dead in the eye. It’s almost unnerving how long she goes without blinking.
“Do I know the lucky lady?” Brian chimes in with a smug smile on his face.
“I’ll tell you later,” I respond, not wanting to discuss my personal life in front of a room full of people.
“Well, who is ready for a round of ping pong?” Paul asks, clearly helping me by changing the subject.
“You’re sure you want to play against me? You know I always win,” I say with a proud grin.
“Eh, we will see about that, man. I’ve been practicing all summer. Got some new moves.” He starts animatedly pretending to be swinging a paddle in his hand.
“You better watch out, Nate. He’s been pretty much sleeping with his paddle every night. Pretty sure it’s the only thing he’s been sleeping with all summer,” Brian adds.