Page 97 of Before I Tell You
“Trust me, I plan on it.”
A FEW HOURS AGO, I was quickly picking through whatever was left at the Halloween costume store in town. Disappointment took over as costume after costume turned out to be a dud. Too small. Too big. Too weird. I was ready to walk out of the store empty-handed, and really, it was my fault for waiting until the very last minute. But then, thankfully, I found it. A costume that, when I tried it on and looked at myself in the mirror, made me feel something I’ve never felt before: unstoppable. However, standing on the front porch steps of Tim’s house in this super tight, cleavage-revealing Wonder Woman suit, I now have so many anxious thoughts running through my mind.
Ugh. Here goes nothing.
After taking a deep breath and reminding myself that this party will benothinglike last year’s, I walk through the front door and become engulfed in the blaring music. There are so many people crammed in this house that it will probably be impossible for me to find Nathan, so I pull out my phone.
Me: I’m here. Where are you?
Nathan: Kitchen sexy ;)
From his text, I assume he is probably already drunk or at least pretty buzzed.
I get to the kitchen and see Nathan standing with a few guys I don’t recognize. As I approach him from behind, I notice the guys blatantly staring at me.
Do I have something in my teeth?
“Hi, birthday boy,” I say as I tap him on the shoulder to steal his attention.
He turns around, laughing at whatever they are talking about, but his mouth hangs open when he sees me. “N-Natalie.”
“Oh my God. I can’t believe you are Superman, and I’m Wonder Woman.” My eyes look over his costume, noticing how it shows off every perfectly sculpted muscle. “What are the odds?”
Nathan continues looking me up and down until finally clearing his throat and raking his hand through his hair. “Wow … you look …”
“Hey, man, aren’t you going to introduce us?” The very tall guy wearing an oversized faux fur cape nudges Nathan. I’m pretty sure he is trying to look like a character fromGame of Thrones, but I’m not sure which one.
“Yeah, umm …” Nathan looks at the group of guys and then back at me. “Natalie, this freakishly tall dork is Paul, and you might recognize these other three from the high school baseball team. This is Tim, Eric, and Danny. Guys, this is my girlfriend, Natalie.”
“Hi,” I say with a slight wave, and they all smile back sheepishly.
“Damn, Nate, how did you end up so lucky?” one of the baseball guys asks, making me instantly blush.
“Hey, guys, I’m going to make Natalie a drink. We’ll meet you outside by the fire pit in a few minutes, ok?” None of them acknowledge his words but continue gawking at me, so Nathan emphasizes them. “Ok?”
“Oh yes, yes. Come on, guys. Let’s make fire!” Paul shouts as he holds his drink high up to the sky. The four of them quickly go outside into the cold October air.
“Well, they seem nice,” I note.
Nathan’s dark brown eyes are studying me possessively, causing my breathing to escalate.
“What?” I ask in a whisper.
“Come with me.” He grabs my hand, leading me through the house and down the basement stairs until we reach the laundry room. I stand against the washing machine, cramped in the corner of this small room, as Nathan quickly shuts and then locks the door in one swift motion before turning around to face me.
His eyes are intense, practically undressing me with each sweep over my body. My insides start going crazy, waiting for whatever is about to happen. But, before he steps toward me, he pulls down on a string beside him that’s hanging from the ceiling, and the place goes dark. The only light in the room is from the full moon shining through the tiny window.
My heart is thundering in my chest, and I can feel his breath on me after he finally reaches me. His hands find my face, bringing his lips down on mine, devouring me. I wrap my hands around his neck, pulling him in closer, moaning into his mouth, letting him know I need more.
Nathan pulls away to bring his mouth down to my neck, kissing the spot where he can feel my pulse rapidly beating before licking the length up my neck.
“Do you have any idea how fucking sexy you look right now?” he practically growls, igniting an inferno within me.
His large hands circle my waist, lift me into the air and place me on the washing machine. A satisfying groan leaves him as he shimmies my blue spandex shorts down to my ankles and then lets them fall to the floor. He slides each knee-high boot off my feet and then stands up tall, coming back down on my lips as his hands start tugging at the bottom of my top, pushing it up over my stomach.