Page 64 of The Wrong Royal
“No, it doesn’t,” I said, sighing. “I’m going to go. I’ve got a great glass of scotch and I want to sulk for a bit.”
She laughed again. “That sounds like a lot of fun. Enjoy.”
Iwas running from Theo. I was doing everything I could to avoid seeing him. It wasn’t mature but I didn’t trust myself to be around him.
He made me want him. I kept thinking about our night together. The way he made me feel when he touched me. The kissing? The kissing was amazing.
I decided to spend some time with more of my extended family who lived in Wales. My aunt and uncle had graciously invited me for breakfast. I wasn’t going to go, but the thought of coming face to face with Theo terrified me. The longer I put it off, the worse it was going to be.
But I would worry about that later.
We sat outside in the garden that was still damp after the morning rainfall. The aroma of freshly brewed tea and toast filled the air. My aunt and uncle had been married for many years. They lived in Wales and managed to avoid a lot of the drama that my parents were enmeshed in. Their quiet countryside estate made me long for their simple life.
“How is the Wed season going for you?” my aunt asked as she filled my cup with tea.
“I thought we might get to meet your match,” my uncle said.
“Yes, the invitation was for both of you.” My aunt pouted a bit.
“You’ll have time to meet him later,” I said. “Assuming we marry.”
“Of course, you’ll marry,” my uncle said, laughing. “Your father chose wisely.”
“My father chose for my sister,” I reminded him. “This match was not supposed to be mine. None of my likes or dislikes were even considered. Not that they know what I like, but they had a bachelor and I was put into the hole Nora left behind.”
“Have you spoken to her?” my aunt asked quietly.
I shook my head. “No.”
“I’m sure you know there are few options for a woman of your status.” My uncle was trying to be gentle. “Your parents didn’t have a lot of other choices.”
“They could have waited until next year,” I complained. “I wasn’t supposed to be in Wed season. It’s not like my father is in danger of keeling over anytime soon.”
“They had to save face.” My aunt took my hand. “The match was already announced. It would have ruined your chances of a good match next season. I know it may not seem like it now, but they did this to protect you.”
I didn’t know if I believed that, but I would let it go.
“So, tell us about Theodore. That’s your match, right? I know the Ashfords have several sons.” My aunt was ready for gossip.
“I’m avoiding him,” I blurted out.
They both froze, their teacups halfway to their mouths.
“Is he a bad man?” My uncle could be very protective. “If he is not good to you, I’ll talk to your father. I will break it off. You don’t need to be married to someone who won’t treat you right.”
“No.” I shook my head. “He’s a good man. A really, really good man.”
“That’s good,” my aunt said, nodding. “I know the family. They are a good family. I’ve seen them around. I believe he’s an attractive young man. They are all very attractive. They take after their father.”
My uncle cleared his throat. That only made my aunt laugh. Their marriage was a good one.
“Unfortunately,” I groaned.
My aunt’s soft laughter made me smile. “Oh my. You must tell us everything.”