Page 82 of The Wrong Royal
As I made my way out of the library, my mind was already racing with thoughts of the impending interview. I had never been one to shy away from a challenge, but the idea of speaking in front of cameras and journalists made me feel a little uneasy. It was a lot of pressure to represent an entire country. Not to mention, our not-so-secret Golden Society was also going to be outed if I wasn’t careful.
Astrid was just leaving my room when I walked in. “Guess what?” I hissed.
I pulled her back into the room. “On the next break, I’m going to America with Theo. At least, I think I am. I still have to ask him if he wants me to visit his family’s property, but I think he’ll be okay with it. At least, he seemed like he wanted me there.”
“I’m sure he wants you there,” she said, smiling.
“Would you like to go?” I asked her.
“I think this is going to be something you need to do on your own.”
“You know my parents are going to insist you go with me,” I said with a laugh. “They’re going to want you to chaperone.”
“I want you to get some time with your guy,” she said. “You don’t need me hovering.”
“What about Jack?”
“I’ll see him soon,” she said, shrugging. “It’s not so important for me and Jack to get along.”
I nodded, grateful for her understanding. Astrid was always so supportive, even when it came to my romantic life. I felt a little guilty, knowing that I was going to America without her. But I also knew that it was something I needed to do on my own.
“Okay, but if you change your mind. Besides, I might need you there. I have to do interviews.”
“With who?”
“I don’t know,” I said, sighing. “It’s some American television people. I don’t know. They want to know about our Wed season traditions and stuff like that. I need an outfit. And I’ll have to figure out how to do my hair.”
“We’ll get that worked out before you go,” she said, smiling. “Get some sleep.”
I nodded and hugged her tightly. “Thank you, Astrid. You’re the best.”
As she left the room, I collapsed onto my bed with a sigh, my mind racing with all the possibilities about this trip. I had always wanted to visit America, but I never expected to do it with Theo. The thought of being alone with him, even for a few days, made my heart race with excitement and nerves.
But as I closed my eyes and tried to will myself to sleep, I couldn’t shake the feeling of uncertainty. What if this trip changed everything? What if Theo realized that we weren’t meant to be together, after all?
I tossed and turned, my mind filled with doubts and fears. Was I putting too much pressure on this trip? What if I was reading too much into Theo’s invitation? Was I setting myself up for disappointment?
I took a deep breath and tried to clear my mind. I reminded myself that this was an opportunity of a lifetime, and I didn’t want to waste it by getting bogged down by negative thoughts. I needed to be open-minded and enjoy every moment of this trip.
Theo only asked me to have an open heart and mind. I could do that.
Jack and I were busy packing our bags once again for the upcoming session of Wed season. I knew a lot of people dreaded the season, but I was looking forward to going back. I wanted to see Emilie. I was anxious to talk to her about everything that happened while we were apart.
“How are you feeling about everything?” Jack asked. “Are you excited to get back?”
I sighed, running a hand through my hair as I contemplated his question. “I miss her, Jack,” I admitted. “Despite her stubbornness and the fact that she does everything the exact opposite way I would, I can’t help but like her more with each passing day.”
Jack grinned knowingly. “Love will do that to you.”
I chuckled at his response. “I’m more concerned about it being a one-sided love.”
“I thought you said she was opening up,” he said.