Page 27 of Endlessly Raphael
“Yes, well let’s just say he was encouraged to give me an update now. You’re getting married?”
His incredulous tone sends waves of rage through me. “You’re shocked? Didn’t think anyone would sign on to be with me?”
“You aren’t exactly known for your long relationships.”
“Yeah, well when it’s right, it’s right. What do you want to know?”
“I want to be there. I want to witness this union.”
“No thanks. It’s supposed to be a happy day.”
“Listen, Haven. No one believes this marriage is legitimate.”
“I’m under no obligation to prove it to you or anyone else. Grandfather’s will states I have to be married, and married I’ll be. Quite frankly, once it’s done, it’s none of your damn business.”
“You will not talk to me like some undisciplined street rat.”
Raphael’s brow furrows as he sits closer to me.
“I’ll talk to you however I want to. If I remember right, in our last conversation you said I was no son of yours. So why should I be respectful? You’re just pissed because I’m about to get everything you wanted, and if you think I’ll show you an ounce of kindness, you’re fucking wrong.”
“Haven, you listen to me—”
“No. You listen to me for a change. You underestimated me, but that’s on you. You’ll find out firsthand how wrong you’ve been about me. I’m going to ruin your life, the way you ruined mine.”
“If you think I’ll go down without a fight, you’re mistaken.”
“Don’t care. It’s all legal. You can fight me and cry about it all you want, but this is one thing you can’t take away from me.” My body vibrates with a mixture of disbelief that I’m standing up to him and absolute terror for the same reason. “We’re done now.”
“I will ruin you, Haven.”
“You already did that, Father.”
I end the call and slump back against the sofa. Raphael holds my hand in his.
“Are you okay?”
Closing my eyes, I shake my head. “I’m not really sure. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised he was so evil about it, but it still sucks.”
“Of course it does. A family betrayal is one of the worst things that can happen to a person. What can I do to help?”
I huff a laugh. Is he this nice for real? “I’d say agreeing to marry me is above and beyond.” I glance down at our entwined hands. “I’m afraid he’s gonna find a loophole. Or do something to prevent me from getting my inheritance.”
Raphael studies my face for a moment. “Haven… I could help.”
“My family… we offer protection services.”
“Protection? Like bodyguards?”
“Uh, sure, you could call us that.” He clears his throat, and I get the sense that I’m not getting the full story. “I don’t want to tell you all of it. The less you know, the better.”
“It’s illegal, isn’t it?”
“Classified. As you said.”
“Right. I don’t care what it is, Raphael. I don’t care if you’re in the Mafia or a drug dealer or—”