Page 36 of Endlessly Raphael
“Plausible deniability. Smart since we’re getting married. I can never testify against you.”
He snorts, shaking his head. “You are unique yourself, Haven.”
“But you like me?”
He glances at me again, a sexy smirk on his lips. “I like you a lot.”
Is it wrong of me to hunt down Haven’s father and shake some sense into him? Probably. I could compel him to be kind and accepting, but that’s only a temporary solution. I hate that money and power have destroyed this family.
These are the thoughts running through my mind while I watch Haven scarf down a huge bowl of pasta. I sip my glass of wine, listening as he talks about all his plans between bites.
“The first order of business will be the board of directors, of course,” Haven says, wiping his mouth with a napkin. “I’ll need to find replacements because my family is seventy-five percent of it.”
“Will that be difficult for you?”
He shrugs, taking a long drink of wine. “No clue. Guess I’ll find out.” He grins. “This food is amazing. How do you not eat it?”
“It’s enough for me to see you enjoy it.”
“Hmm. Well I hope your sex drive is stronger than your appetite.” He winks, drawing laughter from me. “You’re gorgeous all the time, but when you laugh? Damn, Rapha. Can I call you Rapha?”
“Whatever you like.”
“You’re so interesting too. Like, right now, super chill, but thirty minutes ago you went apeshit on a dude. Badass.”
I smile and continue to sip my wine. He has no idea just how easily triggered I can be. Hopefully, he won’t ever witness it. As long as I keep it contained to my work, we should be fine.
“What was your childhood like?” Haven asks, finally leaning back in his seat to take a pasta shoveling break.
“Uh… childhood.” By the gods, can I even remember? “It was a long time ago. I only have vague memories.”
He tilts his head. “Come on, Rapha. You’re not that old. Is it sensitive? I’m prying, aren’t I?”
“No, you’re not.” I focus for a moment, conjuring my mother’s face. “My mother died when I was young, and my father, well, he couldn’t handle it. He tried to sell me, but I ran away before that could happen.”
Haven stares at me wide-eyed. “Sell you?”
Damn. That isn’t a modern thing. “Very archaic, I know. It wasn’t in America.”
“Oh, gotcha. Yeah, I know all about archaic shit. Some of the stuff in my family is based on traditions from hundreds of years ago.”
I nod, relieved that he understands on some level without me explaining more than I can.
“Sounds shitty,” Haven continues. “So you really do understand a family betrayal.”
“I do. But then Yves came into my life. He taught me the true meaning of family. It isn’t always from birth. Sometimes we create our own families. I know that Yves and all my brothers would lay down their lives for me if necessary. Well, three of them would choose their mates over me now, but that’s expected.”
“Mates? That’s a weird way to say boyfriend.”
“Right. Uh…” Thinking quickly, I come up with an explanation. “We use that word to mean more than a boyfriend. A life partner, if you will.”