Page 87 of Endlessly Raphael
I’m about to ask another question, but my gums begin to throb and I rub my cheeks, flinching at the sensation of my teeth growing long. “Holy fuck.”
“All the gods, Haven,” Rapha whispers, gazing at my face. “Somehow you are even more beautiful. I am staggered.”
I blink several times as my vision shifts. I never had trouble before, but it’s like, I don’t know, wearing 3-D glasses or something. Everything is so vibrant and crisp it doesn’t seem real. My fingers throb and I look down in awe as my nails grow into long, sharp talons.
“I could fuck someone up with these.”
Rapha chuckles. “Yes. You will learn how to manage your strength and your more feral tendencies.” He rubs my chest in soothing circles. “Your appetite for blood and sex is in overdrive at first, but it helps to have an outlet.”
“That’s why you’re assassins.”
“Yes. It’s how we protect the innocent. You will want to kill when you are hungry, but I am here to feed you.”
“Fuck, that sounds so hot.”
“I will fuck you as long and as much as you want.”
My cock throbs from his words. “Unf.”
“As insatiable as you are, I am your match. I will never tire, never deny you what you want and need. You are my entire world.”
I feel my eyes tingle like tears are building, but nothing happens. A million other questions float through my mind, but all the strength I felt just minutes ago is fleeing.
“You’ll be tired at first,” Rapha explains. “You’ll sleep for hours, but when you wake, you’ll be renewed. Reborn. Immortal.”
Reaching up, I touch his cheek. “I have to tell you something.”
“I’m listening.”
“You told me your secret.”
“You can tell me later.”
“No.” I shake my head even as my eyelids threaten to close. “Now.”
“It’s really bad.”
Rapha grips my hand. “I’m here.” He rubs my belly. I have to get the words out.
“I should’ve told you before… before you promised…”
“It doesn’t matter, Haven. I’m yours no matter what.”
Nodding, I focus on his face. “After I was pushed out by my father… I did something bad. I was desperate. I… I let some people do stuff to me. You know, for money.”
“Do stuff?” His voice hardens. “What do you mean?”
“There were these guys. They were always in my neighborhood. One night they cornered me, and I thought it was gonna be forced, you know.” I can’t look at him. “But then they said if I went to a party, I could make some money. So I went. It was so bad, Rapha. So bad. I don’t think everyone there was old enough, you know?”
His body tenses beside me.
“Oh god. You’re ashamed of me.”
“No.” He grips my chin, turning my face to his. “No, Haven. I’m angry you and others were taken advantage of. Do you know who did it?”
I nod. “Yeah, but he’s dead.”