Page 21 of Stalemate
I spy King clutching his side out of the corner of my eyes, each of us are fucked up in some way from the crash. My heart is beating erratically, if anything happens to Vincent or Gage, I am going to lose my fucking mind and kill every single one of these cunts, governor or not, he will die slowly and painfully for what he has done. I try to wrack my brain for Anthony ever mentioning Kiara having a cousin. The old man told me who took out her mother’s side of the family, so why would he never mention a nephew from his own side?
“You should have stayed in New York. All of this could have been avoided if you just stayed on your side but no, your greed knows no bounds.” I grit my teeth through the pain in my ribs as the car jolts from hitting a bump on the dirt road.
“And you should have stayed in your mother’s cunt but here we are.” I laugh at King’s comment while Chance peers over the side of his seat and nods. In the next second, King is pistol whipped on the back of the head and grunting in pain. I lean toward him only for the bastard to cock the trigger on his gun and point it at my brother.
“Make another move and you lose another brother.” Gritting my teeth, I slowly right myself in my chair and meet Chance’s fucking gaze. The cunt smiles and the rage that simmers inside me reaches new heights.
“I am going to kill you,” I grit out.
“Pretty hard to kill someone when you are outmanned and outgunned, isn’t it?” I quirk a condescending brow.
“Who said I needed a gun to kill your bitch ass?”
His eyes narrow and his upper lip twitches. I can tell already he is no henchman, he is the pussy that sits behind a desk and sends someone else to do his dirty work. There is no way this fucker has ever taken a life before, he’s too clean-cut and way too fucking cocky to have ever seen someone die in front of him.
“They said you were a mouthy bastard.” I fight to keep the confusion off my face, but from the way his eyes light up and he smiles wide enough to show teeth, I know I must have failed. “Oh, did you really think your little peace meeting went well, did you?”
Now it all clicks. He knew we were in Miami because it was a setup, the whole fucking thing was a trap and I flew my family right into it.
“You’re working with the Vargas cartel.” It isn’t a question, it’s a statement. King groans beside me and some of the tension eases from me knowing that he is okay.
“You killed their heir, what did you expect to happen? They were never going to forgive that indiscretion. They are the fucking cartel, they don’t do forgiveness.”
I thought it was too easy, which is why I had a contingency plan put in place just in case of an ambush. I just hope my son is as smart as I give him credit for and finds it.
“Where are you taking us?” King grits out through clenched teeth. Chance ignores his question and turns around in his seat, dismissing us. King looks at me and I can tell without him saying a single word, he’s worried.
I make sure to keep the worry I feel inside me off my face. He needs me to be strong and reassure him that we are making it out of this fucked-up situation alive. The fear and worry I feel isn’t for myself, it's for my brothers. Vincent isn’t just my brother-in-law, I class him as one of my brothers and losing him would hurt me the same as losing one of the others. My main focus right now is getting to Gage and making sure he is okay. I know he needs medical attention and if he doesn’t get it fast, he’s going to die.
* * *
We pull up to a private airfield, security man the gates. I discreetly peer through the gap in the front seats to see there are eight more blacked out SUVs parked in a half circle near where a cargo plane sits. The moment we roll through the gates, the doors on the other SUVs open and men begin to pile out. I stiffen in my seat at the sight of Emelio Vargas, the head of the Vargas cartel. I watch as the fuckers that nabbed us from the crash site drag my four brothers out into the center of the bastards and force them to their knees. Gage slumps forward and Knight quickly reaches out to grab him before he can face plant on the ground. His eyes are closed. Worry churns inside me at the sight of him so deathly pale. Vincent’s shirt is soaked with blood from the gunshot wound.
The moment our car stops, guards rush forward and yank mine and King’s doors open and haul us out of the car. Each of my arms are restrained by the two fuckers who drag me toward my brothers—that’s the only reason I don’t fight, because I need to get closer to them to make sure Gage is actually breathing.
I grunt when they force me to my knees on the opposite side of the others and my teeth clash together from the force. I run my gaze over Gage and sigh when I see his chest rising and falling.
“How the mighty have fallen.” I flick my gaze to Emelio and make sure he can see the unfiltered hatred in my gaze. I was a fool for thinking there was a peaceful way to end this. I will never make that same mistake twice.
“What the fuck do you want?” I grit out. His eyes narrow before he gives the fucker behind me a curt nod. I know what’s coming so I brace for impact but it does nothing to diminish the pain that explodes in the back of my head. I slump forward and grunt in pain.
“You motherfucker!”
“I’ll kill you!” Rook and King shout. I’m hauled back to my knees by the collar of my shirt, I shoot a look to my brothers and give them a subtle shake of my head to remain silent and let me deal with this.
“Let them go and you can have me,” I say. The moment the twins, King and even Vincent manage to protest, I shoot them all a look that has them clamping their mouths shut. I may be their brother but now isn’t the time for that shit to come into play, at this moment I am their Don and that’s all.
“No,” Chance grits out as he comes to stand beside Emelio. “You will all remain together until I am assured that your son and my cousin can adhere to my demands and hand over all your operations to the Vargas cartel. I fight to keep the shock off my face, that’s what this is about? Chance promised Emelio he could have my territories if they helped him take us down so he could get his revenge against his uncle for abandoning him.
“At least get my brother some fucking medical help,” Knight snaps. Emelio opens his mouth to say something but then a young blonde woman in a suit hops out of the back of his vehicle and stands directly in front of him. Her hands moving a mile a minute but no words escape her, that’s when I realize she’s deaf.
“Fine, fine, now get the hell back in the car,” he snaps at the young woman. Is that his daughter? Before she climbs into the back of the car she looks to me and smiles crookedly, her hazel eyes shine with delight. She does something with her hands but I don’t know sign language so I make sure to store those movements in the back of mind to look up when I get the fuck out of here. “Get on that plane and don’t make a scene and I’ll call a helicopter here within minutes to take your brother and brother-in-law to a hospital to get the best medical attention money can buy.”
I don’t hesitate. “Deal.” Emelio turns to the side and nods to one of his goonies who stalks off and makes a call.
“Where the fuck are you sending us?” Rook snaps.
Chance smiles and rubs his hands together. “Siberia is beautiful this time of year.” Rook fails at keeping the fear off his face.