Page 16 of Reign of Royal
He doesn’t say a single word to me the entire time we travel to the hotel where Chance expects me to be waiting for him. The moment he opens the penthouse door for me I stalk inside and go in search of a room where I can lock myself inside and not have to see him until I must. How fucking dare he lay his hands on me like that! No man back home would have ever dared touch me in such a way yet, this man thinks he has the right. Disgusting is what he is. I find a room on the second floor and slam the door closed behind me. I want to scream or break something but I do none of that because that would draw attention to myself.
Instead, I decide to make use of the adjoining bathroom. I strip my clothes off and dump them in the corner as I step inside the large stall and turn the faucet on, I jump out of the way so the cold spray doesn’t hit me. I hate the cold, I’ve never liked it even as a child. Give me a warm sunny summer day and I will be smiling wide and living my best life. Once the water has warmed up I step under the spray and relish in the feeling of the water cascading down my body, I needed this. I bend down to use some of the pump soap in here but the second I feel a cool draft on my backside, I spin around and drop down into a crouch with one leg bent at the knee and the other extended to my side ready to strike out at whoever the fuck is in here.
I flick my gaze up to see a smug looking blue eyed monster standing there, my upper lip pulls back in a snarl. “Want to tell me who the fuck you really are?” He says in a casual tone but the slight edge to it tells me he has been digging into my past. I make no move to answer him and slowly climb to my feet, uncaring that I’m naked and dripping wet in front of this man. I see the struggle on his face, he tries really freaking hard to keep his eyes on my face but curiosity wins out after a minute. His gaze travels the length of my body, heat spreads throughout my entire being when a small groan tumbles from his lips. Reaching out he turns the faucet off and then steps into the stall with me, what I thought was a sizable shower a minute ago no longer feels that way with his hulking form in here.
I tense in preparation of him attacking me again when he reaches out, except this time his fingers trace the tattoo’s on either side of my hips. He traces the guns I have tattooed there taking his time like he has every right to touch me.
“You have a skull tattoo on your back.” I frown not liking that he has seen so much of my secrets, these are the only tattoos I have and they are marked on my body for a reason. They are a reminder of what I have lost. “Two Pit Vipers tattooed on either of your hips, you’re an oddity.” His gaze is still glued to the gun on my left hip that he continues to trace sending shivers down my spine. In one swift move he has his hand clenched around my hip and the other locked on the back of my neck. I don’t fight him as he pulls my wet body against his own, I know for a fact his clothing will be soaked but he doesn’t seem to care.
His thumb absentmindedly strokes the back of my neck causing goosebumps to erupt all over my heated body. His eyes hold me captive, my mouth parts on a gasp the moment I feel the hard bulge against my stomach. My eyes widen as his become hooded, what the fuck is happening? How did we go from hating each other a second ago to me wanting to feel him move inside me?
I feel myself getting wet at the thought of this beast throwing me around the bedroom as he fucks me like a savage. That mental picture has a small moan tumbling from my lips and my eyes closing for a moment as I try to gather myself. I should be pushing him away and fighting against… whatever the hell is happening right now but the truth is, this is the most alive I have felt in years and he has barely touched me.
“I’ll ruin you.” He whispers, my eyes flutter open only to be met with a heated look from him. He wants me and he hates that, if sleeping with him is the price I need to pay to take Chance down and earn my freedom then so be it. I mean, it wouldn’t exactly be torture having a God like him between my legs. “You want me to, don’t you?” He rasps out as he bends down and ghosts his lips over mine. God, I want him to kiss me so bad. “I’d fuck you, right here, right now and not give a fuck if your fiance walked in the door and heard you screaming.”
His words have me trembling and my thighs shaking, my pussy begins to throb. “Except, I don’t fuck dirty ass liars.” He growls, before he can stalk out of here thinking he won some type of debate I decide to get the upper hand. I smash my lips against his, his mouth opens in shock and I use that to my advantage, I slip my tongue inside his mouth and mewl at the taste of him. When he tries to deepen the kiss, I clamp my teeth down on his bottom lip hard, he growls and tears it free releasing me as he takes a step back.
We both stand here panting and glaring at each other, the look on his face tells me he knows I won’t take his shit lying down, I’ll fight him if I need to. He says nothing as he turns and storms out of here slamming the bedroom door closed behind him. I crumple to the floor in a heap reeling about what just happened, this day can fuck right off.
Chance arrived an hour after my encounter with Royal, he came and found me the moment he arrived and demanded I follow him into the living room. This is why I am now seated on the sofa while he sits in front of me on the small table. I want to fidget under the scrutiny of his gaze but I don’t. I can feel Royal’s penetrating stare boring into the side of my head, Chance looks me up and down for what feels like the hundredth time.
“Another message was delivered before I left the house.” I purse my lips and wait for him to continue. “This one had your name on it.” My eyes widen as his narrow. “Another one of my men was delivered to my gate in pieces, this one had a Queen of Hearts nailed to him.” I shake my head not understanding how this has anything to do with me. “Along with that fucking card, there was a photo of you along with it.” I reel back into the couch and shake my head denying what he is implying.
These bastards are trying to pin the deaths of his men on me!
He’s going to hit her!
I can see it in the way he tenses and has one of his arms slightly drawn back, choking her is different to fucking laying hands. If he fucking lays one finger on her I won’t be able to stand back and watch it. I know he is becoming unhinged, this is only the second body and already he’s running scared like the little bitch he is.
“Fucking tell me who is doing this!” He screams in her face, she shrinks back into the couch clearly scared of the fucker. I look around and see eight other men in here, each of them avert their gazes, motherfuckers. They all know what he’s about to do to her and they choose to turn a blind eye to it.
Chance draws his arm back and then smacks her across the face sending her sideways on the sofa, I step forward ready to intervene and put the fucker down for laying hands on a woman but when he grabs her by her hair and pulls her to her feet, she shocks the fuck out of me when she throat punches him! He drops his hold on her and stumbles backward hitting the table before falling to his ass and gasping for air.
Erika stands there breathing hard with her hands clenched into fists at her side, an angry red handprint on her face. Chance uses the table to help him back to his feet, I tense in anticipation of what is to come. He charges her, tackling her tiny frame to the ground. She thrashes beneath him, I move to step in but she flicks her gaze to me and shakes her head.
What the fuck?
I stand here like a little bitch with my gaze locked on hers as the cunt hits her, she cries out when he straddles her legs and begins to punch her, after the fourth hit I can’t take it. I tear him off her and throw the cunt back, he lands on his ass. At the sight of me towering above him, his entire body goes rigid.
“Royal Murdoch is here, sir.” One of the men said from behind me. Chance smiles and pushes to his feet, he pats me on the shoulder, and confusion wars inside me.
“Thanks for stopping me, I don’t need my little cousin seeing me lose my cool. Take her to her room, I’ll deal with the bitch later.” I grind my teeth so fucking hard I think I hear one of them crack. When he steps away from me, I spin around to find Erika curled into a ball on the ground sobbing.
“Fuck.” I growl beneath my breath, I bend down and slip my arms under her, she cries out when I lift her. She buries her face in my chest as I take her back to her bedroom. Once inside, I kick the door shut behind us and gently lay her on her bed. She groans in pain and guilt swims inside me when her big hazel eyes look up at me with tears. “Why did you stop me?” I grit out, a sad smile tugs at her lips but it vanishes just as quickly. “Who the fuck are you, Erika?” I whisper. A shadow falls over her features, she shifts on the bed and cringes in pain, I drop down beside her and gently push her backward until she is laying flat again. The need to touch her overcomes me, I reach out and gently brush my knuckles down her uninjured cheek. “You did it so I wouldn’t blow my cover,” I whisper, it’s not a question but she nods anyway. “You stupid girl, no man has the right to ever lay his hands on a woman.”
The deadpan look she gives me has a small laugh escaping me. “I’m different, you enjoyed my hands on you.” A spark enters her eyes at my words and my cock twitches in my pants. Shouting can be heard from downstairs, I leap to my feet and look down at her, she may be injured and upset but that’s my blood down there so I leave her without thought and head downstairs to see what the fuck is going on. I slam to a stop at the sight of Chaos with his gun drawn and pointed at Chance, the eight men around the room all have their guns aimed and ready to fire at my cousin.
“I didn’t have anything to fucking do with that shit, I was at the Biltmore Hotel last night with a chick named Shandy or some shit, check their fucking cameras!” Chaos snarls, Chance looks to Dalton and nods, he drops his gun and pulls out his phone while everyone stands here in a Mexican standoff waiting for Dalton’s confirmation.
“His story checks out, he stayed the night in room 601 with a woman.” Fucking idiots, It wasn’t even Chaos that was there it was Havoc and Chanel, joys of having a twin I guess.
“We good now,cousin?” Chaos snarks, Chance nods his head stiffly. Chaos doesn’t drop his gun until the others do, he knows never to lower his weapon until last.
“Sorry. I’m on edge, I had another card delivered this morning.” Chaos plays the part well and frowns acting taken back by the news. Chance tells him about the body of Bodhi being found at the front gate this morning, I want to puff my chest out and take ownership for the gruesome sight he describes. I was the one to dismember Bodhi and end the pussy’s life, Chance is going to get the royal flush and he has no fucking idea.