Page 32 of Reign of Royal
“See you at the close.” Dad’s brows draw in, he looks confused as fuck so I say it for her.
“It means she will see you when it’s time for you to die.” Erika bites her bottom lip then cringes, her face is fucking bruised and swollen as hell. Mom’s features harden as she glares at Erika. “Why didn’t you rat me out when you realized Chaos wasn’t me? Your main mission was to kill me while he watched, why didn’t you do it?” I press drawing her attention back to me.
“I was twelve when my parents were murdered. When Emillio found me in that house two days later I couldn’t utter a single word, I haven’t been able to for over a decade until I met you.” I cock my head to the side, unsure of what the fuck she is trying to say. “When I first met you…” She pushes her tongue into her cheek as a slight blush begins to coat her cheeks. “I felt something other than self loathing, I don't know how or why but I have never wanted to say a word for years but you were so frustrating and made me so angry I wanted to yell or scream just so you would know how pissed off and angry you made me.” That has me smirking.
“He has that effect on people.” I hear my dad mutter, I shoot him a scathing look before focusing back on Erika who is smiling.
“My revenge suddenly didn’t seem like it was worth the cost.” The honesty in her words rings out around the room.
After our little conversation in the kitchen, I thought I would be sent back to that fucking shack, I was surprised as fuck when Royal led me from the kitchen to the second floor of this old plantation style home and showed me to a room. I thought it was a guest room or something until I saw his clothes thrown over the chair in the corner. He gave me a pair of his sweats and a shirt and told me to get cleaned up while he formed a plan with the others to get Chaos back. Which is how I have now found myself standing in front of his bathroom mirror staring at myself inhisshirt. He must have dressed me after I passed out in the guest house. I struggle to pull the shirt over my head and cry out when I feel the stitches in my shoulder pull. I drop the shirt to the floor and fall forward gripping the counter so I don’t fall to the floor in a heap, the door behind me bursts open to reveal a pissed off looking Royal.
I meet his gaze in the mirror for a second before his drops to the reflection of my tits in the mirror. Even though I’m in agony and hurt all over, my body doesn’t get the memo and begins to heat all over from the lustful look in his eyes. He stalks into the bathroom kicking the door closed behind him, I keep my eyes on him the entire time as he comes to stand flush against my naked back. He places his hands on each side of mine on the counter and bends down so his chin rests on my shoulder.
“You’re the first girl to ever wear my clothes and I can’t say I’m mad about it.” The husky tone of his voice has me wanting to clench my thighs but I fight against the urge.
“Your mood swings are giving me whiplash, your royal highness.”
He scoffs. “The last person who thought it was a good idea to try to mock me about my name ended up buried alive, want to be the next?”
“Isn’t that what this is?” He frowns. “Aren’t you here to remind me I’m on borrowed time and when you finally kill my uncle, I’ll be in the hole next to him?” Anger flashes in his blue eyes.
“Is that what you want? You want me to drop your corpse in a hole next to the cunt who lied to you your whole life?”
“Just do me one favor, when our deaths become public knowledge because they will. He’s the kingpin of the cartel and Chance is the governor, don’t let them splash pictures of my body all over the news. Burn me to a crisp first, I don’t want my parents' names dragged through the mud because I trusted the wrong fucking person.”
“Answer me one question Erika, is that even your real name?” A whoosh of air escapes me as I shake my head. “Are you Monica Vargas?” I haven’t heard my real name in over ten years, hearing it come from his mouth sounds so strange. I became Erika after the deaths of my parents, being called Monica was just too painful.
“Yes, but I haven’t been Monica in over a decade.”
“Because Monica died the night her parents did.”
His eyes shine with understanding which baffles me, how the hell could he understand my meaning when both his parents are still breathing? “If you had known from the start that it wasn’t my father that did that to your parents, what would you have done?”
The answer blurts out of me before I can stop. “I would have killed Emillio the first night he dragged me back to Columbia.”
“Because my father and mother fled Columbia to get away from him, they never wanted to be a part of this life and wanted something different for me.”
“Then ask yourself this, what cartel do you know of let’s their family members go free unless they are in a box?” He shifts one of hands to trail the tips of his fingers up my arm causing gooseflesh to erupt all over my naked body. “Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about the possibility.” He whispers as he peppers kisses along the side of my neck drawing a sharp gasp from me.
I try to string a coherent thought together but I can’t, the way he is kissing my skin and touching me has all rational thoughts fleeing my body. Jesus, he is the best type of distraction. I don't know what this thing is between us but it’s consuming me, his touch is becoming an addiction. Today when shit got hard to deal with, I found comfort in him. I haven’t had anyone to comfort me since my parents were taken from me but today, he did. They say you can’t hack the heat of the sun and have to admire its beauty from afar. Royal is the opposite, I can see his beauty up close, touch him, feel him, taste him but loving him would be like being burnt from the heat of the sun.
I close off all my rational thought as I turn around and face him, he cages me against the counter, his scent overwhelms me. He leans in and brushes his lips against the shell of my ear as he whispers. “Fuck me like it’s the last time you ever will.” I refuse to deny myself this, I need the distraction only he can give me so I give into him. The moment he draws back to rest his forehead against mine, I seal my lips to his and fuck his mouth with my tongue. He growls his approval as he slides his hands down my back and grips the globes of my ass in his strong hold. A whimper escapes me, he jumps away from me like I’ve burnt him. We’re both breathless and panting as we stare at each other. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
My face slackens at the genuine regret I hear in his tone. “You didn’t hurt me.”
He runs a hand through his hair in frustration. “We shouldn’t be doing this, shower and then meet me downstairs.” He doesn’t give me a chance to argue, he turns and stalks out of here slamming the door behind himself. I stare at the closed door baffled, I needed him to fuck me and get me out of my own head but no, he had to go and ruin it. I felt how hard his cock was for me, I know he wanted me as much as I wanted him. Now, I’m left standing here with an ache between my legs he caused. Fuck it. If he refuses to fuck me then I’ll do it myself, Royal Murdoch can kiss my ass.
No matter how hard I tried to make myself come, I couldn’t. I’m on edge and moody as hell, I’ve never had a problem before when I got myself off but now, all I want is for him to do it and that makes me more angry because he denied me! I yank the bathroom door open so I can grab the clothes he left out for me on the bed but freeze at the sight of him sitting there shirtless with his jeans open and his hard cock in his hand. My mouth waters at the sight, his gaze snaps up to mine.
“You sounded frustrated in there?” My mouth drops open, mother fucker was listening to me!
“Seems like I’m not the only one who can’t come.” I sass back as I walk over to the bed where the clothes he laid out for me lay next to him. At the last second he snakes his arms out and grips my waist directing me to stand between his legs. Even sitting down on the bed we aren’t eye level, the height difference is really unfair.