Page 44 of Reign of Royal
“What did I ever do to you?” I ask.
“Not die when I shot you!” My nostrils flare, I can feel Amelia, Carlina, Koby and Kiara staring at the both of us.
“What a pity, you seem to be the only one pissed I survived.”
“Bitch please. The only one that is happy you’re alive is Royal and that’s only because you are pussy on tap until your uncle is dead.” Embarrassment has my cheeks heating and me dropping my gaze to my lap.
“If that was true then my son wouldn’t be making sure that Erika gets a green card so she is able to remain in the US.” I snap my gaze to Kiara in shock, she smiles at me.
“Are you kidding me?” Chanel snaps as she climbs to her feet and storms out of the room.
“Are you for real?” I ask, Kiara reaches over and grabs my uninjured hand clasping it in hers.
“I don’t think you are just some girl to my son, Erika. I’ve never seen my boy touch a woman or even be infatuated by one until you, I see how he looks at you.” I bite my lip to keep from smiling. “I also see the way you look at him.” I drop my gaze feeling slightly exposed at this moment. “Erika?” I peek up at her through my lashes.
“I know he cares for you and I dare say loves you.” I gasp. “I can see the hearts in your eyes whenever he walks into a room, the same goes for him. From what I have seen of you and him together, you fit. As his mother it's my job to watch you and I have been, I think you are a clever girl with a bright future ahead of you. I will not stand in the way of my son’s happiness but you need to understand this. His father may be the Don of this family and scary as fuck but if you ever hurt my son I’ll make what Bishop does look like a bedtime story for children.” I ignore the other three’s laughter as I keep my focus on Kiara.
“I would never intentionally hurt your son but you also have to know that the outcome of my life is in limbo.”
“My daughter marked you right?” Carlina asks, I nod.
“You leave my niece to me.” Koby says but then Amelia stands and looks at me.
“I’ll deal with Chanel, if killing you means hurting her best friend, she won’t do shit. Your death would fucking shatter him and not even she can deny that.”
“Do I get a say in any of this?” All our heads turn toward the far end of the room where Royal and the other men stand staring at all of us, the way his pale blue eyes bore into mine has me sitting up straighter and my breaths coming in short fast pants.
“Never.” Kiara, Carlina and Koby all say in unison, Amelia shoots me a wink as she leaves to go in search of her cousin. Royal flicks his head motioning for me to follow him, I stand and follow him from the room silently feeling all eyes on us as we do. He says nothing when he places his hand on my lower back and leads me up the stairs to his bedroom. I've spent every night in here with him, every time I look at the bed heat unfurls inside me knowing what happens every time he and I are under those sheets together.
I stop in the center of the room and keep my back to him, nerves thrum through me when he closes the door and I hear the lock click into place. I feel him coming toward me, the second he presses up against me I melt into him. One arm goes around my waist while the other grips my chin and forces my head to the side so he can bend down and claim my lips in a kiss that has my toes curling into the plush carpet.
I reach up and wrap my arm around his neck holding him close, each time he kisses me like this I start to believe what Amelia said to me. I want to fall into bed with him and get lost in the euphoric feeling only he can give me but I need answers so I pull out of his hold and put a foot of space between us. His brows furrow but he says nothing as he stares at me.
“Am I going to die?”
“Yes.” My eyes bulge.
He rolls his eyes. “From the moment we are born we begin to die, death is inevitable, you even said so yourself.”
“You know what I’m asking you.” I can’t keep the annoyance out of my tone. I have always been good at reading people, when you remain silent in a room full of noise you hear more than anyone and notice more things but with him, I can never get a good read and it frustrates me.
“Ask me, don’t be a pussy and ask what you want to know, baby.”
“Fine. Am I going to die by the hands of your cousin or yours?” His eyes darken as he closes the space between us, grips my ponytail and yanks my head back so I’m forced to meet his gaze.
“Haven’t I made it obvious? Have I not made shit clear? Want me to spell it out for ya, Sirena?”
I dart my tongue to moisten my lips. “Yes.” I breathe out.
“You. Are. Mine.” He pushes his free hand between us and cups my pussy drawing a gasp from me. “This. Is. Mine.” I swallow loudly. “That clear enough for you baby?”