Page 47 of Reign of Royal
He stalks out of the room calling for all my uncles and Sin to meet him in the kitchen, the bastard is going to watch me beg from there. I’m not begging though, she’s going to come crawling back, right?
* * *
I stand out on the back patio with five sets of eyes glaring at me. I even tried to put on the puppy dog eyes my mom always falls for but it didn’t do shit. My Dad and the others are all watching me and I fucking hate that I have to do this shit in front of everyone. I tried asking Erika to take a walk with me but Amelia nixed that idea and said she wouldn’t be going anywhere alone with me. They have formed a protective shield around my girl. Mom and Aunt Koby sit on one side of her while Aunt Carlina and Amelia sit on her other side. Killing is easier than this shit. Fuck, being shot is better than this.
I peer over my shoulder and lock eyes with Chanel, giving her a pleading look. The ruthless bitch just holds up her gun and raises her brows, gritting my teeth. I tear my gaze from her to look at Erika who refuses to meet my gaze and continues to twirl her glass in her hands.
“Jesus. Can’t you all go inside and let me do this privately?” I ask, my aunts, cousin and mother scoff and begin to curse me out for even thinking they would leave me alone with her. “You tortured her and now you’re buddies?” I ask aunt Koby.
“We came to an understanding.” She answers.
“I’m your son!” My mom narrows her eyes at my tone of voice.
“And I raised you better than this, Royal.”
“Fuck me sideways.” I grit out, I shoot Amelia a scathing look when she laughs.
“Erika–.” My mom clears her throat and shoots me a look telling me to change my tone. Clearing my throat and taking a deep breath, I try again “Erika, I’m… sorry.”
“Oh, that was piss weak.” Aunt Carlina abolishes.
“Pathetic.” Amelia tacks on.
“I would have shot Knight if he did that.” I glare at aunt Koby.
“Bishop would have been missing a nut sack.” A shudder of disgust rolls through me.
“Mom!” I scold.
“What? You’ve seen your father and uncles grovel enough to know how to do better.” Taking a calming breath, I decide to go all in or go out swinging. I close the space between me and my girl and drop to one knee in front of her, I gently grab the glass from her hold and pass it to my mom to hold. I grab her tiny hands and wrap mine around hers, she peeks up at me through her lashes.
“I’m sorry.” Her eyes begin to fill with tears hearing me apologize for the first time. “I’ve never loved anyone aside from my family, the only woman to ever have a place in my heart is my Mom.” I hear my aunts and Mom coo over that but ignore them. “When you told me you loved me, I froze because I had no idea what loving someone outside of my family felt like. All my life it’s always been me, Sin and the twins, I never thought I needed anyone else until I met you. You called to me like a siren and I knew from the first moment I kissed you that I was fucked and in deeper than I should have been. If loving you means I can’t bear the thought of not waking up next to you or wanting to commit mass murder over the thought of you with someone else. Then yes, I do. I love that you don’t bow to me and fight me on shit, I don’t want a pet to stroke my ego. I want a woman who is ballsy enough to tell me to pull my head out of my ass when I need it and that woman is you.”
She tries to cut in but I'm not done. “I want you with me, no, I need you with me Erika. So much of what I have done already is for you, I want a lifetime with you so I can fall in love with you more each fucking day. I’m not good with voicing my feelings, never have been, but if you need to hear me say the words then so be it,I fucking love you.” Her eyes widen as tears slowly cascade down her cheeks. “Just know this, I have never given anyone that type of power over me. I’ve never let anyone get close enough to me because I never wanted a weakness, turns out you aren’t my weakness you are my strength. Forgive me for being a dumbass and I’ll prove to you I’m worthy of your love.”
“Oh my God, Vincent needs to up his game.” I hear my aunt mutter, I pull my hand from hers and gently cup her cheek.
“I love you.” I whisper as I lean my forehead against hers. She grips my face between her hands and leans in to ghost her lips over mine.
“Show me.” I growl my approval, I smash my lips to hers, this right here is what I know. I don’t do words but I sure as fuck do actions and now I’m showing her without words that I meant every fucking thing I just said.
“Okay, that’s enough of that shit, some of us have to go to bed alone.” Erika breaks the kiss giggling at Amelia’s remark, I stare at my girl and for the first time I see it.
I see the life I’m going to have with her by side, we are going to rule Miami.
* * *
It’s close to midnight by the time we have a plan formed for the takedown of the Vargas kingpin. We know that his lieutenant, Braga is running shit back in Columbia while he is cornered here. According to Erika, Braga has always been kind to her and all about the people, he wants the drugs out of Columbia rather than selling them there and getting his people hooked on them.
We know Emilio has at least a dozen hitmen that came in with him, what we don’t know is how many more he has had join him from New York before we closed the borders. It’s a risk we have to take going in blind but it's one I am more than willing to take if it means ending this son of a bitch. Everyone went to bed hours ago, I’ve stayed down here studying the map and blueprints trying to plan for every possible scenario that may arise. Just as I stand to head upstairs and get lost inside my girl's pussy until dawn the office door opens to reveal Chanel.
“Got a minute?” I motion for her to have a seat across from me and drop back into my own.
“What’s on your mind, Sin?”
She looks away from me and gazes out the window at the night time sky. I can see from the strain on her face and how tense she is that something is bothering her so, I wait. Chanel isn’t like most girls, she doesn’t talk about feelings or go crazy about the latest sale at the mall, she’s closed off and keeps her feelings locked down. She’s a heartless bitch to most but not to me, I know her, because of how well I know her I know that once she loves you she will do anything for you. But, for the past two years something has been off with her, she no longer smiles freely or jokes around with me and the twins, she’s serious all the time. She’s even iced her parents out and no matter how many times I’ve asked what happened she won’t tell me!