Page 49 of Reign of Royal
“I said no!”
Placing my hands on my hips I glare up at this infuriating gorgeous asshole. “I heard you but I don’t care, I’m coming and you can’t stop me.”
“Fucking try it and see what I do to you.” He threatens.
“Oh, what are you going to do? Tie me to a chair and let your crazy ass cousin torture me again?” He tugs on the strands of his hair.
“I fucking said I was sorry about that shit!” He roars.
“And I’m still not over it! The bitch shot me and ripped my fucking fingernails off.” I hold the hand in question up just to drive my point home, the shithead averts his gaze not wanting to see the damage. I’m not trying to throw this in his face but I need him to see that I’m not weak, I took everything they threw at me and I’m still standing here. “I want to be there, I have to know the truth, please,” I beg. He stabs a hand through his hair and begins to pace the length of his bedroom. I know he only wants me to stay behind so I don’t get hurt but what he doesn’t know is, I can fight and shoot maybe not as well as him and the others but I’m no slouch!
“You stay the fuck in the car and don’t move until I say or God fucking help you, Erika I will strangle you my-fucking-self.” I throw myself at him, he catches me with ease as I lock my legs around his waist and pepper kisses all over his face. He growls out his annoyance but there is no heat to it, he wants me safe and I get that but I need to look my uncle in the eyes and find out why he lied. “We leave in ten minutes, be waiting out front.” He says as he places me back on my feet.
“Where are you going?”
“I have to go get Chaos out of the basement.”
I screw my face up. “Why is he in the basement?”
“Because that’s where Chance is, we’ve left Chaos to deal with him for the time being. Now, get your shit, if you’re not out front when we leave your ass is staying behind.”
* * *
I’m standing out front waiting for Royal when the door behind me opens, peering over my shoulder to see it’s Chanel, I fight the groan from breaking free at the sight of her. When she spots me the easy look on her face vanishes and is replaced by disgust, she pulls her sunglasses off the top of her head and puts them on. The sun isn’t even out yet but I don’t say anything as she comes to stand beside me. The awkwardness is suffocating, the tension is even worse. A dozen men mill about the front yard. I asked Royal why he didn’t have all his men stationed here and his reply was, the less who know where he and the ones he loves live, the safer they are.
“If you do anything to distract him, I will fucking—.” That’s it, I spin around and pin her with a scathing look, tired of the shit she keeps doing to me and the shade she constantly throws my way.
“What? Torture me again? Kill me?” I shout. “I don’t care what the hell you think of me, I have nothing to prove to you.” She presses against me so we are chest to chest, she’s close I feel her breath against my lips.
“Wrong. You have everything to prove to me, until I think you are worthy of him I’ll never stop coming at you. He isn’t some prize to be won or some sugar daddy you can use, he’s my blood and I protect my own, don’t ever forget that.”
“Your loyalty is inspiring, Chanel, I mean that with respect. If you need me to prove to you that he isn’t just some conquest then you clearly haven’t been paying attention. Falling in love with him has cost me more than you know, loving him has cost me my family. I had the shit beaten out of me and shot because I saved him. Tell me again how I’m the one getting a free pass?” I scoff not giving her a chance to answer. “I haven’t asked him to give shit up for me, I’m standing right here ready to stand by his side as he takes the life of my uncle, how the fuck else can I prove to you that I am not here to hurt him?”
“You can’t.” Chanel and I pull apart at the sound of her father’s voice, he and Knight approach us with weapons strapped to every inch of their bodies. Vincent looks between the both of us as he answers. “Chanel is very protective of her cousin, all their lives it has always been her, Royal and the twins. You’re a surprise none of them saw coming, it’s going to take them all time to adjust to their new dynamic. Continue to prove your loyalty to their cousin and then you will gain their trust.”
I don’t respond to Vincent as the cars begin to pull around front of the house where we stand. Royal, Bishop and the twins round the side of the house, all of them dressed head to toe in black much like Knight and Vincent, I peek at Chanel and see she is even decked out in black. I’m so glad I have the forethought to dress in black, my greedy eyes drinking in the sight of my man. Fuck me, is it wrong that I want him to be covered in ink like his dad?
“I hope you’re checking my nephew out and not my brother.” I snap my head to the side to see Carlina standing beside Chanel with a grin on her face.
“Gucci, what the fuck are you doing?” Carlina glares up at her husband.
“Did you seriously think I was going to stay in bed while my daughter goes off to fight?” She scoffs and shakes her head as she brushes past us to hop into one of the waiting SUVs. Vincent turns his gaze to his daughter.
“You watch her six at all times, she stays stationed by your side. Any heat or if you’re compromised you get the fuck out and drag her ass with you, do you understand?”
To my surprise Chanel doesn’t fight him or argue about being ordered around. “Yes, sir.” The pair head toward the same car that Carlina currently occupies, Knight smirks at me until the front door opens, the smile vanishes from his face.
“Get the fuck back inside now!” He growls at the sight of his wife and Kiara. Koby just ignores him as she passes by patting him on the chest, Kiara tries to do the same but at the sound of her husband and son's voices she freezes.
“Kiara!” She turns toward them both and smiles, Knight shakes his head and motions for his son’s to follow him to the car Koby is in, leaving the four of us standing here awkwardly, “Get your ass back in the fucking house now.” I’ve never heard Bishop be so curt with her before and it kind of reminds me of Royal and how he bosses me around.
“You are out ya fucking mind if you think that I will be left behind while you and my only child go off to battle. Try and stop me and I’ll break your fucking dick.”
“Mom.” Royal whines.
“Close your trap, Royal. I don’t want to hear a word out of you either, get your asses in the car now.” Both men open their mouths but she cuts them off. “Say one word, I dare you both.” Their mouths snap closed in a second, I shake with silent laughter as they both bow their heads and stomp toward the car in the front like a couple of sulking toddlers. Kiara turns to me and winks with a smile on her face. “Never let my son think he has the upper hand, fight him at every turn and whatever you do, don’t ever give into his demands.”