Page 57 of Reign of Royal
I scoff. “Who would believe a nobody like me that the beloved governor was abusing me? Come on detectives, you both are smarter than this.” They bristle at my underhanded insult. “Now, if there is nothing else I have a meeting I must get to.” I say as I stand, Chanel follows my lead and does the same. The detectives share a look before climbing to their feet and shaking each of our hands and handing me a business card.
“We’ll be in touch.” Rhodes clips out as they leave, as soon as the door clicks shut I drop back into my seat and take a breath needing a second to decompress after dealing with them. Royal and the twins rush into the room, he gathers me in his arms and crushes me against his chest as I cling to him.
“You did good, Sirena.” He says as he places a kiss to the top of my head.
“That was fucking tense.” Havoc notes.
“They were fishing, they have nothing and are trying to get her to crack so they can get a lead off her.” Chanel announces.
“They’ll be back.” I say dejectedly.
“Yeah they will, if we’re going to Columbia, we need to go now.” I nod knowing Havoc is right, it won’t be long before they banned me from leaving the state. Suddenly the excitement of returning home is gone and now all I want to do is crawl into bed and get lost in Royal.
“You got this baby.” He says as he places a kiss to my lips, I love how he has so much faith in me. “They can’t prove shit, we just need to stick to our story and then we’ll be fine.” I wish I could say I believed him but there is this pit in my stomach that tells me our troubles are just beginning.
Two weeks later…
Shit is tense as fuck here.
The Albanians have been trying to push in their shit, those dumb fucks have no idea that we control the entry points to all the ports, I blew up one of their ships last week. 400 kilos of coke gone, I knew they would be game and try their luck to get one over on me but those dumb fucks have no idea who the fuck they are dealing with.
The feds have been lurking around and watching Erika’s every move which has made me coming and going from the house harder, I’ve managed to slip back into the role of her bodyguard which has kept me off their radar but something isn’t right with them either. I can’t explain it but it’s like they know something we don’t. It’s got me on edge and I don’t like being in the fucking dark.
“Are you ready for tonight?” I look from my computer to see Havoc standing in the doorway, I groan at the sight of London beside him. Who the fuck is London you ask? She is the nine year old demon spawn my fiancée brought back from Columbia two weeks ago! Why did she bring her back, you ask? Because the fucking devil told Erika she was hungry and her parents were dead so she plucked the little shit out of the slums and brought her home!
“He’s going to die.” The devil sing songs while I grit my teeth and refrain from losing my shit at a nine year old kid.
“Bellezza, what have I told you about taunting, Royal?” The little rat bats her lashes up at Havoc and pouts.
“I didn’t mean to, maybe…” her bottom lip begins to tremble, I clench the edge of my desk in a vice like grip. “Maybe if he wasn’t so mean to me I wouldn’t do it.” My eyes shoot wide and my mouth drops open, Havoc swings his angry stare to me.
“I haven’t fucking done anything to Satan’s Spawn!” I defend as I shove to my feet, the little shit whimpers and hides behind Havoc, the moment he turns his gaze back to me she winks and smiles. I’m going to hell, I’m going to kill a nine year old girl and get a first class ticket there.
“She is petrified of you.” Havoc reprimands.
“Erika!” I roar, I’m so tired of her and Havoc’s shit and how they always accuse me of targeting the little witch. She fucking slashed my tires, poured coffee all over my laptop, faked being drunk and told Erika I gave her shots so she would sleep and the fucking list goes on. Yes, I was pissed when she arrived here but I never fucking did anything to the little demon, to make matters worse the little rat has even bonded with Chanel and that is dangerous for me! Sin can kill you with a pencil so the fact she is teaching this little monster everything she knows scares the fuck out of me!
“What’s up?” Erika asks as she squeezes past Havoc and London to come in, London attaches herself to my girl, Erika looks down at London and frowns. “What’s wrong, Bellezza?”
“Would everyone stop calling her beauty! She is a fucking demon, I tell ya!” I shout, London gasps and turns on the water works, Havoc and Erika both shoot me a scathing look before turning around and kneeling down in front of London, Erika cuddles her and the fucking witch smiles at me over my girls shoulder.
I’ve met my match!
This is my karma for fucking with my dad for years, this little demon that didn’t even come from my fucking balls is going to play me and my girl just like I do to my parents.
“Take the demon and get out, I’ll meet you in two hours.” I snap as I drop back into my chair.
“He won’t make me drink that alcohol again will he?” I throw my head back and groan, Erika still doesn't believe me that I didn’t get the shit head drunk.
“No, Bellezza. If he ever does that again I’ll shoot him myself.” Havoc growls.
“Get the fuck out!” I yell, Havoc leads the demon out and Erika shoots me a warning look, I throw my hands in the air. “What?”
She places her hands on her hips and gives me her bestwatch your tone look. “She is just a child–.”
“I didn’t ask for her! If I wanted a cum stain of my own I’d get you off birth control but I don’t, she is evil baby, fucking evil and she is a master manipulator–.”