Page 6 of Reign of Royal
“Never!” Havoc growls earning grunts of agreement from the rest of us.
“Those keys go to three different safety deposit boxes, one is filled with passports and other documentation like banking shit and all the documents to our accounts. One is to a box filled with all the deeds to the properties and businesses and the last is to the safety deposit box that goes to your mother, give it to her when she is ready and not a moment before. I’m sorry I wasn’t the best father, Royal. Believe me though son, I am so fucking proud of the man you are and I know for sure no matter what you do in life you will always take care of your mother and this family. I love you son, I’m sorry I wasn’t able to be there and protect you as a father should.”
The four of us remain silent as the recording cuts out, none of us know what to say. Strange feelings swirl inside me, my dad and I have always fought and yes, I’ve always fucked with him and played stupid pranks on my old man but I never thought this moment would come where he wouldn’t be here.
“What the hell are we going to do?” Havoc mutters.
“It sounded like he wants us to fight.” Chaos answers.
“Then why did he tell us about the passports, I think he wants us to run.” Sin announces.
I shake my head and slowly climb to my feet drawing their attention to me. “No. He wants us to fight and send our families to safety.” Their eyes widen. “He left me in charge, I’m not following his rules.”
“Royal–.” I cut Sin a look that has her shutting her mouth.
“They may be the Murdoch mafia but we are the Memento Mori, we are the bringers of death and we submit to no motherfucker.” Each of their eyes blaze with understanding. “We don’t run, we fight but this time, we do it in a way that is smarter, we’ll win this war by being cunning and taking these cunts down from the inside. Chance wants me to hand everything over to him, fine but there will be contingencies in place. I need you three with me for what I have planned, if you choose to walk out now then I won’t hold it against you but, if you come with me, our whole family is going to turn against us. When we get our father’s back they will all come for us, can you handle that?”
Havoc holds my gaze as he says. “Et nos unum sumus.” (We are one.)
“Et nos unum sumus.” Sin and Chaos mimic, I smile darkly at each of them.
“Get the decks stacked because we leave the moment I get the call, the only one who will know is Luka. No one else, am I clear?”
“Yes.” The three of them say in unison just as my phone begins to ring, I know without a doubt who the fuck it is and now it’s time for me to put all the training I have learned over the years to use.
It’s time we showed the world and all these doubters in it that we are the bringers of death and we are the new Murdochs who bow to no motherfucker.
I sit next to him in this luxurious car, he pulls his phone from his suit pocket and taps the screen a couple of times as if he’s debating something. I turn and stare out the window not wanting to engage him in a conversation, one where I am forced to listen and act like I am excited and so happy to be here, when in truth, all I want is to be far, far away from him and this place. This was not a life I ever thought I would live, be pretty, remain seen but never heard. Dress this way, stand this way or make sure your hair is always at this length.
Life was already hard before, but now it is almost unbearable.
“You know darling, once we get home I will make sure to show you just how happy I am that you are here with me.” I fight the shiver from breaking free and smile sweetly like I have been trained to do, the lustful look in his eyes has me feeling sick to my stomach. The thought of having his hands on me or allowing him inside my body has a wave of self loathing washing over me.
“The line is secured sir, you’re safe to make the call now.” The man with the laptop says from the seat in the front.
He unlocks his phone and dials a number then places it on speaker, I pretend to not be paying attention to what he is doing. Men like him think of women like they are nothing but a hole to be filled or someone to cook and clean for them. It’s better to act docile and unbothered by anything he says or does or I risk his full attention being on me. His phone connects to the car's Bluetooth system the moment it begins to ring, I force myself to remain still and face out the window as the call is answered.
“The fact you have this number tells me you are more resourceful than my father gave you credit for.” His deep baritone voice fills the car, the sound has gooseflesh erupting all over my skin. I spy Chance out of the corner of my eye smirking, I have no idea what he has planned but I know without a doubt that the men from yesterday didn’t seem like the type to go down without a fight.
“Royal Murdoch, what a pleasure to finally speak to you.” The condescending tone Chance uses doesn’t go unnoticed by the man on the other end of the call judging by the growl that comes through the speaker.
“I wish I could say the same but I have no idea who you are.” His voice is deep and rich, it’s a sound I could listen to for hours.
“Well, let me rectify that for you. My name is Chance Bennett and I am Anthony Bennett’s nephew. So, I guess you could say we are related.”
“Hmmm.” Is the only answer he gives, the tight set of Chance’s jaw is indication he doesn’t like that reply.
“I assume you have my demands?”
“I do.”
Chance’s grip on his phone tightens as he grinds his teeth, this man is toying with him and Chance has no idea how to deal with that.
“You have forty-eight hours to hand everything over or I'll start sending pieces of your father back to you.”
I tense waiting for the man to lose his cool and make threats or promises of war.